Tuesday, December 8, 2009

5 days 4 nights Margaret River, Albany and Esperance trip

Photos are finally sorted and uploaded...arrrghh what a tedious process. More photos coming up once I get them uploaded. These are just from my trip down south.

View the photos here

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I have downloaded all my photos finally...actually very fast by my standards cos I usually get bogged down by work and stuff after my vacation.

However I am still in the process of sorting it out and will update soonest possible..hopefully not months later cos by then it is time to post photos from my next trip hehehe.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 4 : Kalbarri & Monkey Mia

We had to depart at 715 am today but due to the cold weather most of us prefer to laze in bed. However as I did not get to shower the night before, I had to drag myself to the bathroom.

After the breakfast we went on the way south towards the Hutt Province which is declared as a country on its own and has their own sovereign. Prince Leonard 1 seems a bit of a eccentric and egoistic. There was a chapel in the compound with paintings of Jesus and His followers whom he proclaimed was his sons who lived in houses aroung the compound, pure weird. The only upside is probably getting an additional stamp on my passport that's all.

The whole place looks so deserted even though the no. of residents listed was ~ 20 but the only people we saw around was the Prince himself and his wife who is known as the Princess. Some of us can't wait to get out of his 'country'.

We then headed to Greenough Wildlife Park past Geraldton. We then had lunch there before heading south towards Perth.

Stopped at a bakery for a cup of coffee and get a chocolate eclair at the same time, it was delicious. After another toilet break we drove all the way to Perth.

We reached Perth city about 630pm and that marked the end of my North tour or should I say all my paid tours in Perth.

Day 3 : Kalbarri & Monkey Mia

Set my alarm for 6 am to catch the sunrise but decided to laze instead but finally got up as everyone in the room were up and running.

Managed to catch hold of the rising sun and I ended up being on the beach with just another guy living at the resort.

Came back to the kitchen to grab breakfast with the rest before heading back to the room to get my camera and shoot the dolphins.

By the time I got to the beach it was so crowded but still managed to get a front row 'seat'. They do swim very close to the shore and you are able to see their features clearly.

After the 1st feeding, the mother dolphins went off to the sea to feed their calves. By the time I head back to the beach again with another travel mate, the dophins were back having their 2nd feed. This time round as the crowd had lessen significantly I was able to volunteer to feed the one of the dolphins....yippee.

Majority of the group either went to the Aborogine Tour or went out to sea on a cruise. Only 1 of the guy and myself ended up in the resort and we had to do the checkout but it was alright as I get to shower and refresh myself.

We departed at 12 pm after everyone returns from their respective tours. We stopped over at Denham for fuel before making an one hour journey to see the Stromatolites at Hamelin Pool. Stromatolites are known to be the 1st living organisms on Earth and apparently you can only see these in 6 places over the world, out of which 5 are in WA and the other one in the Bahamas.. Great!

After lunch, we drove on for hours before arriving at Riverside Sanctuary where we are having a farmstay for the last night of our tour. It is a wheat farm with very few animals. The animals are kept as pets rather than sold for their meats. There are 2 emus, 1 ostrich and 1 sheep. The sheep thinks she is an emu as there are no other sheeps around. Whatever the emus do, the sheep will emulate, so funny. The overseer at the farm was telling us stories about the sheep at the campfire which we lit after dinner. Dinner was kangaroo shephard pie by the way which was baked by the overseer.

The farm opened its doors to campers, student groups and tourists etc. I think it is a pretty neat place, the sleeping quarters and the bathrooms were clean and tidy. The overseer was actively recruit a gal from my tour group to stay on the farm to help him for some housekeeping duties. It is a non-paying job but you get free lodging and meals.

Anyway, after the campfire we all went to bed as we have a long way to go as we leave for Perth tomorrow.

Day 2 : Kalbarri & Monkey Mia

We started today on target and departed for the Z Bend Gorge where we had to climb up to the lookout and then it was downwards towards the riverbed. However midway through we stopped to do abseiling.

Initially I wanted to try but I was wearing my Teva and was worried I won't be able to grip to the rockface. So I went down to the foot and ended up being the official photographer.

Once everyone was done, we walked down to the riverbed where we stayed awhile. Most enjoyed the sun there but there were a lot of flies.

Next, we drove 20 mins to the Natures Window, a rock frame that framed the river below perfectly. After the hike, we had lunch there.

After lunch we departed for Shark's Bay. Unlike the south where you can stop for some sightseeing every few hours, up north most of the stops after long hours of driving are toilet stops. It took us 4 hours from our lunch stop to Shark's Bay.

And it is the best part of our trip as we will get to the most Western point of Australia - Denham and feed the dolphins at Monkey Mia.. From far we can also see Dirk Hartog Island where the first white men landed in Australia. A lot of 1st here as you will see.

Enroute to Denham and Monkey Mia, we stopped by Shell Beach where the whole beach are filled with cockles shell. Next up was Eagle Bluff where we get to see the ocean views.

We stayed in a resort in Monkey Mia called Dolphin Resort which is by the ocean, so cool. Like the resort a lot, if I ever come back to Monkey Mia again, will definitely stay here again.

For dinner we had fried noodles with stir fried vegetables and chicken cooked in teriyaki sauce, yum. After dinner we went for a stroll on the beach which was very dark but we get to see a sky filled with stars, make you want to camp on the beach tonight. Really beautiful!

Tomorrow we will be able to check out the dolphins feeding session while others go for their cruise. And if I can wake up early I will definitely consider going to watch the sunrise.

Day 1 : Kalbarri & Monkey Mia

Woke up at 5+ again to get ready for my North trip. Feeling very tired as I didn't sleep well yesterday and the journey from Esperance to Perth was a very long trip and I didn't nap on the bus because I was reading a book.

The bus used today is more like a van, more comfy but due to the limited seats it is quite cramped. Changed my seat from the last row to a single seater, sweet....lot more leg room.

First stop was Pinnacles, I last went there like 13-14 years ago and it is slightly different, they spruced up the place abit. Ran into 2 gals from my trip down south as we will be on the same itinerary for the first 3 days. On the fourth day, I will head back to Perth while they will continue on to Broome, very far and many days away.

After Pinnacles, we went sand boarding at Sandy Bay, doing it for the first time and initially I was quite afraid of the heights but it was really not so steep to start with. Only went for 2 rounds as the tedious part is lugging the boards up the sand dunes after coming down, really tiring. Was all soaked in sand, they got into my clothes, mouth, camera, everything. We then had lunch there before moving on to our destination for tonight - Kalbarri.

Our guide aimed to reach there before it grew dark so we can see the sunset and also the coast at Port Denison. Quite excited to be near the ocean again. We passed by Geraldton on our way up north and it is surprisingly quite a beautiful town for a mining town, I would love to own one of the huge houses overlooking the ocean, drool. Apparently the weather is a cool 24 degree year round, sounds great!

By the way, the weather up north is very different from Perth. While the latter is cold and rainy, the north has been very hot so far, temperature wise it is not exactly very high as it is still windy but it is already too hot for my liking....arrggghhh.

Reached Kalbarri on target and we got to view the coast before the sunset. Once we checked into our hostel, we started on preparing the bbq and it was an easy affair as everyone helped out and we were able to finished all the cleanup before 9pm and also allows for me to enjoy my tea while writing this entry.

Tomorrow we will head to Monkey Mia, although I am looking forward to the scenery but I am already dreading the hot weather, my nose is peeling despite the moisturizer and sunblock!

Day 5 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

Today is the last day of our South tour as we rode approximately 730 km back to Perth. We left bright and early at 630am and there was a slight drizzle as we were departing.

Midway to Perth we dropped by Hyden to see Wave Rock and then it was onwards to Corringin to see a dog cemetery.

Next we stopped at York for a toilet break where the Avon River runs through it and our tour guide gave us 20 mins to enjoy the town. Unfortunately there was a heavy downpour and we were stuck at the shelter and had to get on the bus to go back to Perth without checking out the town.

That marked the end of my South trip and tomorrow I depart on my North trip. Can't wait to update all of you on it.

Day 4 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

The day started windy but yet sunny although last night I had to sleep with my jacket on....brrrrr

We started the day by climbing Cape Le Grand. It was steep and you have to climb on the rock surface, I made it to the top this time, yeah!!! It was harder to climb up for me versus coming down but then again what's new?

We spent our entire day in Esperance today and we were busy beach hopping. 1st up was Lucky Bay, long stretch of white sand used by Tourism Australia for their ads but it is not exactly clean. We then had lunch at the bbq area there and then we went to check the Whistling Rock which wasn't whistling by the way as the wind was not blowing in the 'right' direction. Next we walked to Thistle Bay which has a more pristine and cleaner environment than Lucky Bay.

Following that, we went to another beach which is our guide's favourite - Hellfire's Bay. It was shorter than the previous beaches but it was very windy yet less 'sandy'.

I must add that besides having sandwiches for our lunches recently, we were also having the real deal - 'sand'wiches, gifts from the wind.

After all the beach hopping we headed back to the hostel for those who had to dropped off their wet clothes and then we went off for the Great Ocean Drive - more beaches.

Before we went on the drive, we stop by the Tanker Jetty near the hostel and look for Sammi the sea lion but it was nowhere to be found. So was the ice cream truck that my guide was looking for. So the guide said we will pop by agin later.

The Great Ocean Drive may not be as spectacular as the one in Melbourne but it is definitely less commercialized and crowded and instead of rocks formation you see endless ocean and of cos beaches.

First stop on the drive was a spot where we were told to check out some surfers and man oh man, there were some huge nice houses overlooking the ocean, drool. I was more keen on the houses than the surfers, truth to be told.

2nd stop was Twilight Cove which has nothing to do with the movie and it wasn't spooky just so you know. You can see a few huge rocks in the cove and one looked like a rabbit's head. Look at the photo and let me know if you see it the way I saw it. Next to the cove was a beach called Picnic Beach and again it doesn't seem like a spot for picnics and most importantly you don't see any picnic tables at all, not sure why the names given doesn't gel with the actual place though. The tide was coming in and that leaves very little space for you to even take a stroll on the beach.

We move on to a spot call Observatory Point and this one fits its name better, there were stairs going down for you to check out the beach below and there were stairs going up to a lookout point and it was bloody windy. The majestic ocean views were great from the lookout.

Back to the winds, they were very strong throughout, we can feel our bus rocking when it is stationary and most of the time if you are walking, you can either be push forward or backward depending on the wind's direction.

Moving on, we arrived at a beach call 10 Mile Beach which was named because it was exactly 10 miles from town and not because it was 10 miles long. AND it is a nudist beach but there were no sunbathers there of cos due to the winter like weather.

Nearer to this part of the drive, you can see many wind turbines on the hilltop, very smart since it is always windy one should take advantage of it. Apparently 70% of Esperance gets their energy from wind and the remaining from gas. Amazing! I am very impressed because I know I will never get to see these back home. Anyway, the good news was our guide decided to bring us to the wind farm and you know what? You can actually stand under the wind turbines, our guide wanted to let us hear how loud it was but all we heard was the howling of the wind. Then, it started drizzling and we started to hide behind the turbine. It was the first shower after a long day of sun and while standing under the turbine we looked up and saw the turbine moving. Of course it was not, it was the moving clouds that caused the impression. My guide felt it was freaky and decided to run back to the bus hehe.

Right after the mini shower, a wonderous rainbow appeared in front of us, beautiful!

Last stop on our drive was a place called Pink Lake and as you probably already guessed, it is not pink! Why's that so? Because it is filled with too much water during this season so it look like a normal lake but apparently during the drier seasons when the water evaporates, it looked pink when light get reflected on it. This is due to the rich beta carotene minerals that are at the bottom of the lake.

Having seen the Pink Lake that's not pink, it marked the end of our drive. We headed back to town and I hitched a ride from our guide to town to grab some snacks from the supermarket while he pumped petrol.

We had stirfried chicken with vegetables and rice. Yum, though it was too salty for my liking but nonetheless it was good to have a change after days of pasta and processed meats. The dinner somehow took 2 hours to prepared so even though we wanted to have an early night it was quite impossible since we ate only at 830pm.

I was out by 1030pm as we had to wake up at 530am the next day as we had to get ready for the long drive back to Perth.

Day 3 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

Today is another bright sunny day. First thing in the morning, our guide made us climbed 88 steps to the top of a war memorial and that was just the start of tougher things to come.

After that, we departed for Middleton beach where you can see a broad expanse of sea. If we are there on the right season and the right day, we might just see whales who are on their migration south. However, today is not the day.

We then headed for the Stirling Ranges where we were to climb a huge mountain called Bluff Knoll. It was tedious as I hate everything with stairs and I didn't managed to go all the way to the top since we were told to be back by a certain time and there were more and more steep stairs to the top and due to the time, I know I wouldn't be able to made it to the top.

When all had descended we had lunch at the foot of the mountain and then headed to Esperance from there on. It took us some 4 - 5 hrs to get there. It is really tough being the driver since the rest of us do not need to do anything at all.

Heard my guide say we are climbing another mountain tomorrow which is not that high but it is steeper. Oh crap!

Anyway, see what happens tomorrow in my next post.

Day 2 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

Today I made a request to the guide to show us the Augusta lighthouse which I saw in so many postcards. It is actually called Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse which is supposingly the most southern part of Australia. Not quite sure about that as I always think Tasmania is further down south.

Anyhow, what's special about this spot is that 2 oceans actually met here, the Southern Ocean and the Indian Ocean. While the Southern Ocean looked very calm, the Indian Ocean was quite the opposite, very choppy and very rough.

However, the good news is the sun came out to play today and therefore we were able to enjoy the beaches and all today which I will share with all of you in a while.

After leaving Augusta, we headed to Pemberton where some of the tour mates went ahead to conquer the Bicentennial Tree which was quite slippery so I gave up after a few steps. Didn't want to slip and cause any injury tio myself. After everyone descended, we headed to the Tree Top Walk at the Valley of the Giants where tall eucalytus and gum tree grow. Very shaky bridge by the way due to the strong winds. We then had lunch by a river that runs through Bow Bridge.

Our next stop was Willam Bay National Park where we get to see the Elephant Rocks and Green Pool which is probably cause by algae. We spent some time forlicking in the water before heading back to the bus to continue our journey south.

We drove into this town called Denmark, bring your passport boys and gals - just joking.

We then arrived at what I must say was really the highlight of the tour thus far prior to Esperance. We went to this spot by the ocean where we get to see The Gap and the Natural Bridge. The waves were majestic there but at the same time you also see how unforgiving they are. In time to come, I am sure the waves will erode the rocks and the land push more inward by them.

What was really beautiful was also the sunset, we were able to stay there and have moments to reflect while we observed the sunset and it set really fast. Simply beautiful.

That marked the end of our 2nd day and we drove into Albany and checked into our hostel. Was planning to ran to the store to grab some chips but we had a late dinner and by then the shops were closed. Oh well never mind, I can survive without.

Update you all on my 3rd day on the tour in the next post!

Day 1 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

Woke up early at 5+ to make sure I get to my tour pickup place in time.

Tour started late due to some latecomers. Right after everyone arrived, we started on the tour. We drove south and passed by Bunbury and Mandurah before arriving at ou 1st sightseeing spot - Busselton Jetty, apparently the longest jetty in the Southern Hemisphere. Majority of the jetty is under repair due to damage from a freak typhoon so we can't walk the whole jetty.

Weather for the 1st day weren't that good, rained a lot and that kinda spoil the fun abit as we had to run for shelter and we can't spend more time at each spot.

Anyhow, the show must go on, we continue our journey down south and passed by Dunsborough without stopping. I have fond memories of this place, many many years ago I went there as a student and had my first homestay with an elderly couple. Still remember we even went whale watching during my stay there. Amazing how the brain can remember such details when I can't even remember what I have for lunch 2 days back, figuratively speaking of course.

Anyway to continue, we went to Yallingup and visit Ngilgi Cave and after exploring the cave we had lunch while the heavens opened up.

After lunch, we were driven to Geographe Bay, part of Ngilgi Reef. Next, we visited a chocolate factory, nothing fantastic if you ask me.

Soon, we arrived at the much anticipated Margaret River which was an anti-climax because the town looks really small and nothing much to explore. We did however dropped by 1 of the beaches there which is well known for surfing and stopped at a lookout point to look at the whole Margaret River from the top.

Having done all that, we continue on to Augusta where we will be staying for the night. Augusta was all quiet and after settling in, we had an Aussie barbie which is barbeque for those who are not familiar with the Aussie slang. And that marked the end of our 1st night.

Will share with all of you the happenings of the next day in the next post.


Instead of writing everything down upon my return from my 2 weeks vacation, I actually drafted everything on a daily basis like a journal on my blackberry and so they are ready to be uploaded. Unfortunately my photos are not downloaded yet so I will post them as and when I sort them out.

Sometimes the blackberry really comes in useful hehe.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

On Vacay...

Finally! Long anticipated break although still checking emails and responding to emails since I came.

Am in Perth, the city where I spent 2 years during my undergraduate days and though they haven't change much it is good to be back. Somehow it doesn't feel much as if I am on holiday but rather like I am coming home.

Today is Day 2 and had been spending them in malls quite a fair bit. Fremantle or Freo as the locals called it, was partially explored and will definitely be back there prior to my return home.

Tomorrow marks the start of my tours down South and then up North, both of which I never did had the chance to explore while schooling here, due to my shoestring student budget. Look foward to sharing my photos with all of you upon my return.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ritz Carlton Jakarta

Just a day before or 2 days since it is after midnight now, there was a bombing at the Ritz Carlton Jakarta and JW Marriott.

The above photo showed the damage to the hotel's restaurant after the bombing. Photo from CNA.

When I was with my previous employer, I used to stay at Ritz Carlton and have very fond memories of it. I even snapped photos of the hotel room and it should be somewhere in this blog. Frankly if I am staying there, I will probably be having my breakfast at that time and truly, the breakfast spread at the Ritz Carlton was really good. I enjoyed and loved the noodles soup in the breakfast buffet and ate them everyday when I was staying there for about a week.

May the hotel be back to operations and revived its former glory!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Taj Mahal

And for those who are awaiting the star of the show - Taj Mahal

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Agra Fort

When the King was under house arrest after being overthrown by his own son.

Food I ate in Delhi

Obviously these are not all I ate during my India trip but these are some I snap and to be honest, didn't enjoy any of these except the 2nd serving of food that I got on Jet Airways. Very nice stewardesses who know I don't like the 1st serving and gave me the 2nd serving after someone ordered a non-vegetarian meal and didn't want to it when he/she boarded the plane.

Delhi Hotel

I didn't take any photos while in Bangalore but snap alot when I was in Delhi and in Agra. You will see alot of my Delhi hotel pictures because I love the room very much.


My India photos are finally up, I will be posting them in the next few blog entry..watch out for them!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

India Photos

I really need to get my India photos organized and uploaded soon...arrrghhh I need time!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This wasn't going to be a fun trip I know but I never knew it to be something so torturous to me. After hearing so many friends ending up with food poisoning, I finally experience it myself upon my return home. Horrible horrible feeling.

Also I found out how to embed some photos from my slide.com photos here so my travel journals will no longer be that boring hehe.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

India, Day 7

I had the hotel gave me a wake up call at 430 am but by then I was already up. Basically only went for 3 hours sleep or less because I was constantly waking up to check the time.

Went down for my check out and then breakfast. Not sure if I can call it breakfast when the spread was lesser than yesterday. Also they didn’t even have proper takeaway service. This is something that really make me less impress with the hotel after so many days of impressive services.

The other thing was I confirmed my airport pick up before I head up to my room the night before but when I was doing my check out the person said there was no record etc etc. So another strike against this hotel.

As you can see, my day starts earlier and earlier with me leaving the hotel at 530 am when the sky was still dark until the sky turn bright when I reach the airport about 550 am or so. Quite a fast ride because there weren’t much traffic.

So here I am writing this while I am at the airport waiting for my flight to call me for boarding. I am absolutely sure I will grab some sleep the moment I am on board.

Is trying to connect to the wireless while here at the airport and finally managed to log in and it is free. At least I hope they don't charge me later.

Until the next trip, ciao!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

India, Day 6

Woke up real early today at 515am just to make sure I am ready to depart for Taj Mahal. Had a quick breakfast because basically there were nothing much at the buffet table at that time, given that the official breakfast starts from 630 am. Finished early and went out to meet my tour guide. I was the first one to be picked up and just so you know I was also the last to be dropped off making me the one who stayed in the van the longest with the driver.

The day was hot and draggy, I know I am going to Taj Mahal, one of the 7 wonders of the world but nonetheless I am not sure given the long journey and the heat, the whole journey was worth it.

Much as the place was beautiful, I am sorry to say I didn’t enjoy it that much cos I was constantly trying to find shade for myself but in the end, the heat still gets to me, a few times before we went for lunch, I actually almost fainted and we had to take off our shoes in order to get inside the Taj and the flooring was damn hot, initially we were walking but after a while and given the distance from the shoe deposit to the interior was a long way, we started hopping and jumping and saying ouch ouch ouch all the way. The temperature is easily 38 40 degrees I guaranteed and even so that’s not the hottest in Agra. The temperature can go all the way to 50 degrees. That’s crazy.

Anyhow, the Taj is just a mausoleum and housed the body of King Shah Jahan and his Queen whom he built the Taj in memory of.

It was a very crowded day because turned out it was World Heritage Day and the places of attractions we were going in Agra were all for free, guess it is a price to pay.

After the Taj, we went for lunch at a hotel but the food was mostly Indian and though my travel mates were all enjoying it, I was the only one who didn’t take much until I found out they have a counter that cook up pasta for you when you ordered so I was so happy but all I have was only a small plate.

After lunch, we head out to the heat to visit Agra Fort where the same King who built Taj Mahal was jailed for 7 years by his son who wanted to be the king and eventually the King died in the fort of natural causes at age 76. Actually from his ‘jail’, he can actually see Taj Mahal in the distance so he should be happy.

We visited 2 souvenirs places where none of us bought anything and eventually we headed back to Delhi. Although we didn’t stay long at the break stop because we were all eager to go back and have a shower, eventually I reached my hotel only about 1040 pm. Damn late and given that I have an early flight to catch the next day, it sucks.

To be honest, I am so looking forward to grabbing a cold shower, wash off the sand from my face and my dirty feet. In fact, my face was red like a lobster though it looks very glowing but it wasn’t fun and you can taste sand in your mouth as well. That’s the kind of weather we have to endure to see Taj Mahal.

But my hungry stomach reminded me of my priority so eventually I went up to the Chinese restaurant and had a plate of fried noodles before heading back to my room to shower and pack my luggage. Again, I got the cheese platter for the night. Sigh.

Eventually I believe I fell asleep with my water bottle in my hand around 1 something, later on the water spill and my shorts and bed got drenched. But being so tired, who will have the time to bother, I just put the cover over the bed and sleep on the covers itself.

Friday, April 17, 2009

India, Day 5

Was still planning to head to the office early but set the wrong time on the alarm so woke up 30 mins later than planned.

Anyway headed to the office and meet up with my Country Manager and had a very long day as well and after the end of the day, a group of us went to a drinking hole call Rodeo for drinks and snacks. It was a Mexican style kind of pub but not those typical dark and smoky pubs we know of back home.

By 930pm we called it a night and I was given a ride back to the hotel. I then went up to the 20th floor hoping to grab some light noodles but saw that the whole 20th floor including the lounge were reserved for some private events tonight so I had to go back to the ground floor to eat at the restaurant again.

Decided not to eat so much since I wasn’t that hungry, opted for a salad and a light main. Even so I didn’t finish both. My main was prawns and turned out it came in a bed of vegetable cooked Indian style, I just took the prawns and gave up on the rest. When the waiter came by, he noticed I did not at the vegetables and decided to get me a naan complimentary of the kitchen. When he was away taking the naan, another waiter came by and asked if he can clear the plates for me and I say yes.

Finally when the waiter came back with my naan he was shocked to find out that my plate was gone and I told him another waiter took it, thus started a chain of miscommunication. The waiter went up to his colleague and asked why his colleague clear my plates and it was not the same waiter so they went to another waiter and finally I called them over and said not to blame the poor guy cos even if he didn’t clear my plates I wouldn’t have eaten the vegetables.

I love the plain naan though, warm, crunchy and fresh. Indeed there is nothing to complain about the service of this hotel and restaurant so far. Eventually the waiter still asked if they can get me any curry to eat with the naan and was stopped by me because I frankly swear off Indian food. Sorry to say, even while I am typing this, thinking of the taste of the spices makes me want to throw up.

The funny thing is my colleagues back home are really concern, they will message me over our internal messaging system and reminded me not to eat this, not to eat that, don’t eat out, eat in, don’t cross the road etc etc because they have bad experience after they suffer from food poisoning during their trips here.

Anyway just for your info, I got another cheese platter in my room tonight. It is really interesting, so far this is the only hotel I stayed in that didn’t give chocolates but it is a nice change. Although I will love for tomorrow night’s to be something different and no more cheese.
Tomorrow I will be departing for Taj Mahal and am looking real forward to it but I will have to wake up at 5 something in the morning to get ready. Not easy for a non-morning person like me. The bus departs at 615 am and we will not be back until 10 11 pm tomorrow, super duper long day.

Hoping to get a good night sleep though but can hear some music from somewhere away from my hotel room, hope it doesn’t affect my beauty sleep.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

India, Day 4

Was awaken in the morning before 8 am by my colleague telling me she will come and pick me up and it was actually quite nice of her and the office was actually next to this hotel only which is fantastic. I actually ran back to my room to get a bottle of water since I have so many bottles in my room due to the generosity of the housekeeping guy.

Nothing much to say except lots of meetings throughout the day, my colleague ordered in pizza for me for lunch and after which was back to work and left the office only at 8 pm, 10 hours after I arrived at the office.

Came back to the hotel to have dinner and decided to have it at the restaurant where they served breakfast.

Decided to order salad Asian style, beef, dessert and coffee. The food was ok but it was slightly bland which is quite different from what I experience in Bangalore, so much so I have to ask for chilli and soya sauce but unfortunately they don’t have the soya sauce and the waiter doesn’t even know what I am talking about.

The service though was good, although I didn’t take the buffet but I was very tempted by the pappadums they have at the buffet table and I even ask the waiter to give me some if they can and they did and even top up for me again later on.

One of the waiter was obviously flirting and it makes me feel awkward, he was asking if I have explore Delhi and I said no, perhaps on Saturday and he quickly say he is available on Saturday because he is off and I pretended I don’t know what he was talking about.

While waiting in between courses, I was observing the restaurant since I never had time to observe during breakfast. And found some interesting things like wooden pillars and ceilings that looked like they made of stainless steel, really chic. Even the aircon vent is so unique.

Anyway I had too much to eat and ended up with leftover and decided to call it a night and come up to write my blog while doing my face mask.

Another good news is my chapped lips has more or less recovered, albeit swollen looking though I am far from looking like Angelina Jolie haha.

Tomorrow is another long day and it is already 11:30 pm and I have yet to shower so adios.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

India, Day 3

Checked out of my hotel and spent time in the office until 130 pm before I head out to the airport. The airport shopping and food is pretty limited. I bought some natural fruit rolls and I kind of regret not trying out one before buying more. Now I ended up with so many which I may not even eat. How do I know it doesn’t taste fabulous? I tried 1 in the plane.

Anyhow I was glad I took Jet Airways for my domestic flight, I heard most domestic flights are budget airlines so they don’t serve food. However much to my delight they do and the stewardess was kind enough to show me the contents of the vegetarian choice and the non-vegetarian choice. In the end I took the vegetarian because the non-vegetarian is mutton which again is something I don’t consume. The vegetarian was ok, there were Indian spices inside but it was not that strong a taste and there were potatoes that I can eat.

I didn’t finish all of course and when the stewardess came by to clear my tray, she was very nice and ask if it was something that doesn’t fit my taste since I have leftover. I told her it was ok because normally I don’t take Indian food and I have already taken a big portion of it meaning it is reasonably ok. In the end, she actually talked to her colleague in the galley and asked her colleague if they have any non-indian selection on the plane and viola, there was and it came with 2 pieces of chicken, a pie and a potato. The stewardess was telling me it was a specially requested meal by a passenger and the passenger didn’t want to have it so lucky me. Later they still checked back with me to ask if the food was good and it was and after they cleared my tray, they served me Coke in a can which I don’t see any passengers getting haha.

I guess this is the good part of sitting close to the galley BUT and it is a BIG BUT…I did my internet check in the day before and I specifically asked for the front row seat and the no. I chose turned out to be on the last row of the flight, just in front of the 2 toilets that emits the smell of moth balls which is a huge turn-off.
Above that, there is a guy who suffered from stroke sitting right in front of and he kept making noises when he is uncomfortable or communicating with his family. It sounded like someone screaming without voice cords. Terrible. And he can’t keep his food down so he kept making vomiting sound to throw out his food, anyway maybe this is too much details and it is really horrifying.

Good thing is, this is just a 2.5 hours flight and I am typing this on the plane and as I am talking there is a huge queue right next to me, waiting to use the toilets. One of the girl has her scarf almost in my cup with the Coke in it. I had to remind her and she kinda look at me strangely. I don’t mind if you knock it over or spill my Coke but I cannot accept if you wash your scarf in my cup. I don’t need that additional flavor.
By this time, I already developed full blown chapped lips and it was bleeding though not badly. This makes me feel uncomfortable cos I can’t open my mouth wide and I feel a bit awkward of people looking at my lips.

Flight arrived early into Delhi and the luggage wait was no longer than 15 mins, but one of the turn off was the terribly hot heatwave the moment the airplane doors were open….arrrghhh and it was 37 degree Celsius. That’s crazy right? Back home although we are sunny year round, we don’t encounter 37 degree Celsius.

Nonetheless the airport looks new and I was told the domestic terminal was only built like 2 months ago so that’s great. But not sure how the international airport will be like unlike I fly off this Sunday.

Enroute the hotel, I was practically on the phone the whole way settling a business matter and thus wasn’t in the mood to observe the historical site. Closer to the hotel, the driver told me the hotel was 80 years old and I got a shock (it was actually 20 years old) and seeing my shocked face, the driver said however the hotel just underwent a renovation and in my heart I was thinking regardless, how will it be like after my encounter at the Bangalore and this was the same hotel chain.

Instead of horror of horrors, it was the total opposite. The hotel lobby was not extremely huge but it has very high ceiling making it look like a cave with blue lighting. To be honest, the hotel continues to surprise me everyday I stay in this hotel.

Let me tell you more. Upon check-in, the Front Desk person brought me to my room, initially I was abit worried because the person was a guy. But he was rather cute hehe.
They were pretty nice cos I request for a room near the lifts so I won’t have to be in some hidden unseen corner ala Bangalore experience. And they actually gave me the first room next to the lifts, you can sometimes hear people walking by or opening their door but for the convenience, I don’t care.

In the lift lobby of the floor, I can see a beautiful tiled wall and upon touching it, it feels like rubber and the seats in that lobby was really designer chic. I am sure I have seen these chairs in some décor magazines or websites before.

Moving on, the room is gorgeous, the wall and floor are all wood panels and looking like a log cabin or country style house. But that’s all the similarities. The bathroom has bronzy, brown tiles that are reflective, similar to some spas I went before. The tiles were all the way from the floor to the top of the walls. Best of all, they have nice cabinets with marble tops and they have a towel rack that I have been eyeing for a long time and a rainforest shower.

Now to the room itself, it has a wardrobe by the side of the bathroom door which looks conspicuous that you really don’t notice it. With this design, it looks very much like your own room back home. They have a huge designer chair unlike the chaise lounge you see at usual hotels. You get a bowl of fruits (unfortunately all apples which I did not consume because I do not want to wash it with tap water) AND get this….a bottle of Shiraz Cabernet (red wine for those who don’t know what that is) and it is free for consumption. Though I don’t drink but you could have kiss the floor in gratitude for the thoughtfulness of this hotel.

In fact, just so you know, I spent almost 1 hour after I checked in snapping photos of the hotel room…marvelous. You get also some almonds soak in water overnight and it comes with a card that states it is good for the mind if the almonds are soaked overnight and consume in the morning. Not sure how much it works I tried it the next day and it taste quite nice actually. There is a also a glass panel behind the headboard and it comes with mood lights that you can control. Wow.

You would have thought that’s the end right? But it is not, there are more. On my bed there is a booklet telling you the numerous type of pillows they offer guests and you can choose which pillows you want based on your preference….it was unbelievable. Needless to say, I asked for The Ultra Foam Deluxe pillow and now as I type and look at it, I realized the housekeeping brought me the Ultimate Neck Support Pillow instead. However I am not going to call the housekeeping again because the housekeeping guy freak me out. He is overly friendly, I have a strong feeling he wants me to provide him tips. Tonight when he came to pass the pillow, knowing I wanted water, he brought in 3 bottles and start to pass me rose water (saying for my skin) and also lip balm (this is really a god-send because I forgot to bring mine and this was really helpful, way helpful for my bleeding lips)…in actual fact, he passed me 2 sets of each. Insisted on giving me another pair of slippers which I don’t need and I make it very clear to him but he just can’t take no for an answer.

After which I went for a late dinner at the Chinese restaurant which is at the top floor of the hotel, at the same floor, there is a lounge that seems suspended in the sky and connected to the actual building by just 4 bridges that led to the lounge.

The Chinese food was ok, much better than I expected especially the noodles…very Chinese like although the soup I ordered still has a bit of Indian taste.

After dinner, I came back to shower and spend some time sitting on the designer chair reading my story book before I head to bed

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

India, Day 2

On my 2nd day in Bangalore I had a very busy schedule and thus I went out with my colleague to a Chinese restaurant to pack some food back and even so I had to wait 2 hours for my meetings to finish and managed to eat my lunch close to 3 pm. The Chinese food was reasonable ok and my colleague was saying it seems that Chinese doesn’t use much oil and that’s why I think it makes it more suitable for my palate. The thing however was that the whole mall that houses this restaurant smell of you know, those coconut oil or olive oil..gez

Soon it was back to work and meetings abound, I was only able to leave the office at 8 pm for my hotel whereby I have to do another teleconf and then go for my dinner at the hotel’s restaurant because I have another teleconf that night.

I didn’t choose their buffet dinner and instead go for ala carte and ordered tom yum soup and oyaku don..both of which I didn’t finish again because they were so salty.

It is truly very hard to get something I want or like to eat in india thus far.

Monday, April 13, 2009

India, Day 1

Flight was delayed as mentioned in the earlier entry and guess what? It was so not an enjoyable flight, as we all know night flights are always subject to much turbulence due to the winds and weather and this flight was not an exception. Given I fly SQ so much, this is the first time I truly hate the food they served. For the non-Indian selection, there are only stewed lamb and I don’t take lamb so I asked for the chicken ala Indian style. In the end the stewardess gave me the tray for the India food rather than the tray for the international meal meaning I don’t get to get the pasta salad that was in that tray. Thus it resulted in me not eating anything at all and the chicken was not to my taste. Stewardess told me if there are any international trays left she will come back to me and of cos she didn’t. Service sucks if you ask me.

Flight touches down in Bangalore airport at 12 midnight which is basically Monday already and by the time the luggage came out it is another 1 hour and by the time I reached the hotel it was already 2 am in the morning.

I was staying at le meridien and there was this spooky feeling when I first got there because it looked so old and the whole hotel was almost dark even inside the hotel, turned out it was just their way of saving electricity. On the other days after when I arrived at the hotel, it was quite well lit and thus you don’t feel the spookiness anymore.

Although the hotel was pretty old looking but the amenities and room design was acceptable, modern and high tech. But it wasn't really fantastic enough for me to snap photos of it also.

And best of all, it was only 2 mins away from the office allowing me to wake up late and still get to the office on time.

Had pizza for lunch on the first day because given a choice, I will avoid Indian food and my colleague knows of my preference. Poor him had to ask the driver to drive slowly so he can look out for non-indian restaurants along the streets for me.

Even so, the pizza still taste of Indian spices but it was at least not totally Indian taste. Didn’t finish the whole pizza so we took back 2 slices and see if anyone in the office wanted to have them.

That night itself, I decided to take my work back to the hotel to do so I can check out one of the malls supposingly big but it was just a shopping centre with no other shops and it is disgustingly small versus those back home.

After which, we went off for dinner and we had a hard time finding a non-indian restaurant and finally I told my coll I will settle for Indian and we stepped into this restaurant call Tandur I think which serves a lot of tandoori dishes and one big consolation was that there were a lot of foreigners inside so it was cool. The food was surprisingly good and the portion huge. Anyway again we didn’t finish the food at all.

At the end of the meal and in the days to come I realized the Indians like food that are very sweet or very salty and it was so different from what I am used to back home.

After dinner, I head back to the hotel and clear my emails till 12 midnight. Travelling on business is always very tiring.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Just great!

Errr, came early to the airport so I can have my dinner before departing for my flight to Bangalore and one glance at the tv screens up on my return, I noticed that my flight has been delayed, by 2 hours...that's just great!

Now instead of arriving at 10pm India time, I will arrive there at 12 midnight and 2 hours journey to the hotel will make me check in at 2 am...there goes my beauty sleep.

Had to call the hotel to ask them to pick me up later and I can hear other fellow passengers do the same.

Upon my enquiry, then I found out it was because we are waiting for a delayed flight from Japan carrying 100 over passengers who will be boarding this same flight Bangalore.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I got it!

Good to know that my India visa had been approved, 2 days after I submitted for processing. Not too bad.

Monday, March 23, 2009

India visa

It is such a hassle to apply for India visa and all nationalities need to apply, regardless. Crap.

They asked you a typical question that is important to Indians, which is - Name of your father. Faint right? Which other country ask you this question. Are they trying to bar the kids of those men who are on their blacklist? Nuts. I am not joking, if you are seeing a resume send in by some Indian candidates and they are applying for a job in your country for the first time, you will see them listing down their father's name in the resume as well, as if the information is needed by me. It wouldn't matter to me even if their father is Gandhi, trust me.

Anyway on top of that, you need to provide 2 references each in your country and also in India, this is more work than writing your resume or applying for a job.

And I am not done yet, when applying you need to submit 2 photos of yourself plus I read somewhere, you need to bring along another 2 photos of yourself when you enter India.....DO I LOOK LIKE I AM GOING THERE FOR MATCHMAKING?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Galapagos Islands

The said islands are so far away from where I am living in but it is nice to see these pictures of wildlife existing in the island to make you really want to visit them, at least once in this lifetime.

Slideshow from Treehugger

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dirtiest Hotels in APAC

For a country that prides itself on cleanliness and relies heavily on tourism, these results doesn't bode well for Singapore.

Dirtiest Hotels - Asia (Pacific) (based on TripAdvisor traveler reviews)

1.First Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
2.Hotel Grand Central, Singapore, Singapore
3.The Imperial Hotel, Hong Kong, China
4.Royal Peacock Hotel, Singapore, Singapore
5.Woraburi Sukhumvit Hotel and Resort, Bangkok, Thailand
6.Colmar Tropicale, A French-Themed Resort, Bentung, Malaysia
7.Oxford Hotel, Singapore, Singapore
8.City Gate Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam
9.Royal Parkview Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
10.Aseania Resort, Langkawi, Malaysia

Monday, January 26, 2009

April 08 : Jakarta

Last week I stayed at Ritz Carlton Jakarta when I was there last week for 2 days. The hotel room was fabulous...so huge...the toilet itself is bigger than my room at home....for USD 120++ a night, it is definitely worth staying there when on leisure as well...only bane is the hotel is located on a hilltop so it is not easy to walk around and not a lot of street lamps on the streets so I never did wander outside at all.

March 08 : A380 & Sydney

This entry is about the new A380 which I had the pleasure of taking to Sydney just last week. And to be honest, it is really nothing that fantastic. I was expecting it to be huge but somehow it didn't look that big and when you are on-board, you do notice that the length of the plane was long that's all. I was in economy (what's new?) and they have 3 cabins of economy in the lower deck and 1 on the upper deck..yes as one of my fren asked me, you are allowed to go up the upper deck as and when you like...there is a stairway at the back of the plane.

The seat was supposingly bigger but somehow I don't feel it...maybe becos my butt got bigger? But I like the tv screen which is bigger and the remote is in front of you instead of next to your arm rest on the other planes such that when you sit down, you almost always accidentally press the buttons...however the downside is the tv menu is abit retard according to my standard...slow and not very responsive...

Flight was as usual not that long that u can have a sleep and the girl next to me was talking non-stop to the girl on her other side...she only shut-up when she decided to go to sleep which by then, was not so long from the time when they served breakfast..and the breakfast sucks...just a muffin...gosh....

Haven't been to Sydney for 4 years and it was a good return trip...took the opportunity to go Blue Mountains and jez, didn't realise had to hike so much....went up and down the mountains 2.5 times so much so that my calf muscles actually ached for 4 days....thought it was one of those tours that you go to a scenic point, snap a photo or two and leave but NOOOOO..this was so not the tour that I went to...but it was well worth the price and no regrets....

January 08 : Manila

Just returned today after close to a week in Manila...though this was unlike those touch and go trips that I made the last few months, I think I m more tired after this trip

The only luxury I got was on the first day whereby I can wake up at 630 because the office I was going to was in town. However, due to the heavy traffic, we only reach the ofc in 830

To be honest, though the Thai traffic is infamous, nothing beats Manila traffic....you can be caught in a jam and a journey that probably take 45 mins or less will take 2 hours or more during peak period. If you are headed to Manila, just remember to lay off the water consumption because there is no toilet breaks

Anyway despite waking up at 630, my first night ended only around 1030 pm...and when I got back to my room, I was surfing the internet and such...maybe free internet is not such a good idea after all...on top of that I get 3 pieces of laundry free a day which is fantastic...turned out I didn't have to iron my own clothes after all

2nd day, I had to wake up earlier at 6 am in order to be ready to be at office by 8 am...anyway some participants were coming from a mfrg plant which is 40km away and they were late anyway...due to dinners every night, you never get to go back to hotel early...urrghhh

3rd day, woke up at 5 am so we can leave for the 40 km away mfrg plant...we left about 650 am (later than planned) and reached the plant at exactly 830 am...that's the traffic for you...already considered lucky that we don't have to take 2 hours...day didn't end late becos all of us decided not to be invited to dinner by the MD and most of them wanted to go shopping instead and again traffic was so bad that though we left before 6 pm, we arrived only at the shopping mall around 725 pm and guess what? the shops at this mall closed at 8 pm.

And you would have though that's the end of the misery but today, I woke up at 430 am becos we need to leave for the airport at 530 am though our flight was at 820 am...thankfully managed to get permission not to go back to the office so went straight home, ran to Tampines to run some errands then come back home to zzzz...slept non-stop for 3 hours...but still very tired and I bet I will need to zzz early tonight...

P.S I stayed at the Mandarin Oriental which was in the Makati area and because the rooms given are from 4th to 6th floor, you can imagine how noisy it is...the hotel itself isn't very new..you can see that from the bathroom fixtures and all...but service wise nothing to complain about...I even managed to get breakfast in the room on my last day because I have to leave before breakfast is served in the restaurant.

January 08 : Bangkok

It was suppose to be a great experience but flight wise it was ok but when we reach the Bangkok airport, we got an old driver and he seems to be half awake. At one point when we were leaving the airport, I think he would have crashed the car into the side wall if my dad has not took hold of the steering wheel and swerve the car away. Along the way, he was driving by straddling many lanes, kinda scary and he couldn't find out hotel and when we reached, we wanted to get out at the side but he doesn't want to let us down and insist wanted to drive us to the entrance...I even gave him a good tip...should have just saved it.

Anyway I stayed at a reasonably good hotel, Sofitel at Sukhumvit using my miles to redeem. When I check in, they told me my room wasn't ready and we have to wait at least 45 mins. I took a shower in the fitness centre and then decided to head out to get my lunch and when I returned, my room was not ready yet...by then it was already 1 hour. I stormed up to the reception and told them and they say for a king size bed room, they are still making up the room. I told them, check my reservation, I asked for 2 double bed and not 1 king size bed. Then they told me oh then they have the room ready. The room was the smallest on the floor but no complaints because it was new and clean. But I just felt there wasn't any customer service, no one follow up with us and no one offer us any drinks while we waited.

Anyway we check-in and headed out to Chitlom to walked around. Gosh Bangkok has changed a lot, the old World Trade Centre has been renamed Central World and further down the road at Siam, there was also a new and huge shopping mall call Siam Paragon...more high end but it was so crowded and they have an oceanarium in the basement, very innovative and entreprising. Why wasn't Singapore so interesting?

We didn't do much shopping, mainly doing some local products shopping only and Bangkok was wild during that period. They celebrated New Year with a vengeance. Apparently they exchange Christmas presents on New Year's Day and many shopping malls were having a New Year's Day countdown. We were caught in one outside Central World and could barely squeeze our way through. By the time they started the countdown and started the fireworks, I was already sleeping away.

The day after was our check-out day, we only headed to MBK to do more local goods shopping then headed back to our hotel vicinity to do Thai massage and foot massage. Then we check-out by hitching a taxi on the roadside...cost us 200 bht vs 400 bht using the hotel's call service. Arrive at the airport 3 hours in advance and wander inside to shop and have dinner. It was alright, if it is the old airport, it wouldn't been worth it. Some late passengers boarded the plane late but we arrived still on time and we leave the airport at exactly 12 midnite. And yes, still have to work today. Came home, saw that a live Man Utd match was on the tv so watched it and packed my bag for tonight, shower and zzzz

December 07 : Phuket

Just returned from a short trip to Phuket and Bangkok. I have not been back to Phuket for awhile. The last time being probably 1998.

This time round I brought my parents there and due to a shortage of hotel rooms in Patong, I decided to book the Hilton in Karon Beach, somewhere south of Patong. The hotel is huge, just imagine, there are 7 buildings within the property and the guy at the check-in counter did tell me 35 acre if I am not wrong. To get around the property, you can either walk or take the free tram service...yes tram...

When I check-in, I was told I am given a garden view room but I asked and said can't you give me an ocean view room because we were just across the road from Karon Beach. In the end, they not only upgraded me to an ocean view room, they even gave me a corner room which is larger than normal and we have a L shaped balcony that gives us a view of the beach and the hotel compound.

My parents are very happy with the room even though the room we were given is in an old wing...and though it was still early because we arrived there about 9 am and was given an early check-in. FYI...the room toiletries are from crabtree and evelyn.

Anyway we decided to take a walk around the hotel and went out to the beach. Then we venture to a town area probably 5-10 mins walk away and bought some fried chicken and sticky rice for lunch...it was delicious and yet cheap. Cost us about 105 bht for 3 of us only. After lunch, my dad saw that there wasn't any sun in the balcony and it was windy, he actually took a 3 hour nap on the beach chair on the balcony. After his nap we took a walk down to Karon town area and we were pleased to see that Karon is a very nice area to stay in...not as crowded and hectic as Patong so it was a better area to relax. We attempted to walk to Patong thinking it is near but in the end we gave up after finding out that we have to climb so many slopes (Only the next day did we find out how far it was when we took a cab). We then decided to spend time in the town area of Karon and we had dinner at a Thai seafood restaurant and then my dad and I went for a Thai massage. After which, we walked back to our hotel, enroute we stopped for coffee at a cafe. The walk back seems much shorter maybe because were were relaxed from the massage and also there were live music coming from some restaurants to accompany us on the walk back.

The next day, we wake up early to have breakfast and then took a taxi up to Patong. We stopped at a new and huge shopping centre called Jungceylon. It was quite a nice place to do some slow shopping while escaping from the heat, we bought lunch from the Carrefour there and then decided to walk along Patong beach. Patong beach has changed quite abit since the tsunami in 2004. The beach path has been repaved and redecorated. I think it looks nicer than before. One can't forget the tragedy that hit Asia as there were lots of signs along the way guiding tourist and locals alike where the nearest tsunami refuge centre is.

We head back to Jungceylon and all 3 of us ended up doing a facial at a beauty salon and then went for some local food at the food court there. Again not that expensive, cost us about 250 bht only. Then we took a taxi back to our hotel and that was the end of our trip to Phuket because the next day we check out real early after breakfast to go to Phuket airport to catch a flight to Bangkok.

That was a record, the family in front of us during check-in screw up their booking and the counter girl has to help amend alot of things for them and we ended up queuing about 45 mins...i was so mad I screamed at the girl, I know it is not her fault but the guy who was doing the check in before us was still there and was not aplogetic at all. And the girl did not try to make peace by giving us entry to the lounge or whatsoever, that was very bad customer service...but I had a worse experience in Bangkok later.

December 07 : Kuala Lumpur

Went on a biz trip last week to KL and stayed at Sunway Lagoon Resort...err nothing fantastic about the hotel and even my colleagues there were saying so so only. One of the downside to this trip was having to wake up at 5 and be at airport around 545...my Or Bak Kak has been darker and darker these days and though I kept saying maybe weekend can catch up, my weekends are just as busy these days....But there is an up side to this trip, all 3 of us managed to squeeze in a short (20 mins) shopping trip before we went to the airport to catch our plane. I got myself a pair of shoes at Vincci...no more nice shoes these period.

And on a side note, I managed to booked my Phuket hotel so I am terribly happy, no more stress over the holiday.

November 07 : Ho Chi Minh & Bangkok

Just came back from 4 days of business travel to Ho Chi Minh and Bangkok. It was my first time ever in Vietnam but I don't have much time to wonder around and we have so many late nites almost everyday or busy at the airport catching our flights.

Anyway Ho Chi Minh has a very new airport BUT not alot of shops within the airport itself...

In HCM, we are not sure what the big event was but all the hotels were fully booked so we couldn't get our preferred hotel and ended up in a probably 3-4 star hotel which is probably better than what I would probably get for some tours and anyway we reached the hotel so late it really doesn't matter to me.

Food was fantastic cos I love Vietnamese food (ok, seems like not much food I don't like anyway) and the workshop we were conducting went well and I managed to spend a lot of time with my colleague in HCM.

The 2nd leg of our trip was to Bangkok. We arrived there super duper late from HCM, almost midnite when we reached our hotel but the hotel was good, near the BTS but not that I used it but I will consider it for my next trip to Bangkok in December. The hotel buffet was good (Err international spread but very large spread)...I managed to sneak in a 3 hours massage on my 2nd day in Bangkok too. Will again post some pictures when I can later. BTW the new airport departure hall has lots of shops but very high end shops and I don't think the structure was good, from the customs to my gate I have to walk in a zig zag manner...and some parts of the arrival hall looks undone..but the artworks inside the airport is good, very buddhist like structure, paintings etc. My colleague really enjoy them.

Much as I preferred to travel alone, this time I had to travel with 2 of my colleagues both of whom are male but fortunately very gentleman like and look out for me as well. And because my boss wanted to come back to spend time with his family we really have a very tight schedule, I left Changi Airport only about 1215 am and the next day was back at work and it was a long day too because we have a department dinner and later we even went k-ok so I was in great need for sleep.

Next month I will probably need to take 2-3 trips but with me having to clear my leave and alot of public holidays coming up I am not sure if I can schedule them but I hope I can.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

October 07 : Bintan

I had a rush but pretty enjoyable trip to Bintan the last 2 days and wow the spa experience was so out of the world

I was able to redeem a free Banyan Tree Bintan spa treatment which is 3 hours long during the Great Singapore Sale period and it was coming close to the expiry and I didn't have time to go then but due to the expiry I made time to go yesterday. Since it made no sense to take the ferry just to go and come back, I booked a night stay in Angsana Bintan, why Angsana you asked? That's cos Banyan Tree is bloody expensive and the cost for 1 night stay is enough to pay for a short trip somewhere else in the region.

The whole experience was quite interesting, let me share with all. When I arrived at 9 plus in the morning in Bintan, I waited a while at the lounge area as the hotel shuttle bus waited for the rest of the guests to get through customs. Once done, we were ferried to the hotel where we were all able to do our check-in and due to a request for early check-in by my travel agency, I was told my room was ready and it was not even 10 am yet. Imagine my joy at what I can do once I check-in..geesh...however I was told to give the housekeeping a 10 mins more so the front desk officer brought me to the lobby lounge to enjoy my welcome drink and while doing that I caught up on Singapore news by reading the newspaper that arrived together on the same ferry as me. Before I finished the whole paper, my room was ready and the key delivered to me by the front desk officer who asked if I need help with my luggage..who is she kidding? Me? With just a backpack..hmmm..alright I guess it is just something they had to ask.

And before I forget, I just want to say this is my 2nd trip to Angsana Bintan and I had a room previously that was at the extreme corner of the hotel and has a gorgeous view of the whole stretch of beach when you open the balcony door and this time round, I didn't get to have that room because the hotel was having full occupancy and the room was unavailable. Nonetheless I was still give a room on the highest floor but this time near the lifts which is great, I don't have to walk that far.

Once in my room, I unpacked and took some time out to surf the channels on tv and make myself a cup of coffee. Then changed into my swimming costume and head down to the pool to swim. Then head up to my room to shower before heading down for an activity And on the way there I had to pass by the pool and the pool staff were distributing watermelon for the guests and they asked if I want one as I was passing through and I did, and let me tell you, it was amazing...it is just like 4-5 small bits of them on a satay stick but guess what? They were frozen and it was fantastic thirst quencher as the sun was up then. For those who never stay in Angsana, I just want to tell you that they have various activities daily for their guests and 1 of the activity that I was interested in was Nasi Goreng demonstration...and yes, you get to eat what the chef cooked and also you are given the chance to try (nope I didn't, the wok seems too heavy for me but 1 Caucasian lady tried it) and we were again given the chance to try the lady's Nasi Goreng.

All that done, I was just in time to head straight to the hotel lobby where an Angsana buggy will drive me next door to Banyan Tree for my spa treatment. You seems to get alot of royal treatment I would say, once the buggy drop you at the Banyan Tree lobby, a Banyan Tree buggy will drive you straight to the spa...I always have a thought that all the treatments are held in a location, like a spa building but NO, not Banyan Tree, I was driven up to a villa which is a Spa Pavillon and it is exclusively for my use...dang...and it is 2 storey high with its own swimming pool and I get to enjoy the whole place on my own. And the whole villa faces the sea, fantastic view. Unfortunately it was raining quite a fair bit on Monday so it gets dark pretty fast. Once I stepped into the villa, I was told to change my footwear and led to a huge bed like chair where I was served Ginger tea (cold or hot up to you) while I get a footbath...guess what? They pour in fresh orange juice into the bath...I never knew my feet needed the Vit C that much hehe

After 30 mins, my feet was lightly kneaded and dried and I was led downstairs to have my spa treatment and dang, isn't it grand...ok the treatment name is Royal Banyan and all in all, it is 3 hours long and it cost USD220 excluding tax for those who wants to know. And I tell you it is worth every penny and I would love to go back and enjoy it again...drool....I was given a scrub which makes me smell like cucumber because it was a cucumber lemongrass scrub...and the therapist turned on the shower for me before I get off the bed so I can immediately get under the warm water...AND that's not all, guess what? the rainforest shower was outdoor...YES you hear me right....it was right outside on the balcony...only then I realised that there were 2 outdoor shower for 2 person separately should you come as a couple and hey, there is not door, and the balcony looks out to the sea with the rainforest right underneath you...YES I did see a building quite a distance away and NO I don't think they can see me and neither do I hope they can...Oh by the way before I forget, you are recommended to take the whole treatment in the nude..yeah you hear me right but then don't worry about it cos the therapist will cover you appropriately. But should you feel shy, they always have paper panty available in the super huge toilet attached where you change out of your clothes.

Midway through the treatment I fell asleep because it was just so comfortable and relaxing. Pretty much then the water started running again and you wonder if you are going outdoors again but no...at the end of the treatment you were asked to take a dip in a sunken bath which is in the toilet but has one side looking into the treatment room...I do miss the outdoor shower though...but the bath is alright for me. I was given 10 mins to soak in it and because the therapist had prepared tealights for me, I told her I would like to switch off the lights so I can enjoy the bath and I did. The therapist then asked if I would like my refreshment served while I am in the bath or would I like to enjoy it when I get back to the lounge area upstairs, I choose the latter and thank goodness I said that cos the refreshment is a pot of Ginger Tea and a small plate of fresh fruits and I believed that every step of this treatment must be enjoyed in their own separate ways. By now the sky has already darken and the therapist called the buggy to come pick me up. Once I was at the lobby I told the Banyan Tree staff to call for the Angsana buggy BUT while waiting there was a Caucasian couple who probably just finished their dinner at Banyan Tree and was headed back to Angsana and when the buggy came, they actually boarded the buggy first. Maybe I was just being unfriendly or stubborn but because I didn't want to share the buggy with them, I waited until the buggy disappeared from sight before approaching the hotel staff and told them why did the Caucasian couple took my buggy? The hotel staff was very apologetic because he didn't know I was still there (And he was right, I was very quiet and was sitting behind a huge potted plant) but he made amends and I was driven back to Angsana in the Banyan Tree MPV or SUV, whatever..haha so I get to enjoy an airconditioned comfy ride versus open air and bumpy ride. Short as it may be, it is still a joy after all. Back to my hotel I decided to eat at the open air grill but it was closed due to the rain and so I decided to eat at the main restaurant..and again for those who don't know, Angsana and Banyan Tree charges everything in USD. But I was just so relaxed and therefore lazy to go make myself instant porridge which I brought along. So I order some light noodles and while waiting I decided to head to the Gallery to see what they are selling and told the restaurant staff to come get me if my food arrived before I get back and they did....this is what I call good customer service. Oh and before I forget, the restaurant was selling dinner but because I wanted something light, they actually allow me to order from the lunch menu...isn't that fantastic?

So that marked my 1st day, I headed back to my room and soon I was in bed and probably snoring away.

Next day I woke up earlier than my alarm clock and headed down to the restaurant for my breakfast. It wasn't very crowded and the hotel staff were great, kept offering to top up my coffee and in the end I downed 3 cups by the time I finished my breakfast. Then because I had a heavy breakfast I decided to take a walk along the beach and it was great because the tide was higher than yesterday and one of the hotel staff who worked at the Water Sports Centre came by and talked to me and soon it was time for him to conduct his snorkelling lesson (which is free btw for those who had never snorkel before and are guests of the hotel) and I headed back to my room, took a break and decided to go down and swim. But before I can head down to the pool, my phone ring, turned out it was their Laguna Holiday Club membership people who of cos asked me to indulge 90 mins of my time to listen to their sales pitch and they will bring me along for a short tour around the Laguna Golf Course. I was thinking no harm done since it was only 11 something in the morning and I had a late check-out at 3 pm. Guess what? Turned out by the time I finished it was already coming to 3 pm..AND my stuff are still thrown everywhere in the room, so I quickly went up and packed my stuff (Actually I was still wearing my swimwear) and a quick call to the front desk to find out if there were any shower facilities at the pool and there were so I still went for a swim after I check-out. AND you know what? I found out I was given 2 welcome drinks, I still had a voucher but because I wanted to head to the pool, the staff at the lounge actually gave the drink to me in a plastic cup so I can takeaway the drink...wonderous...so i had a quick swim and head to the shower and then get back to the hotel lobby by 430 so I can catch the hotel shuttle to get to the ferry terminal for my 530 pm ferry. Less than 5 minutes after the shuttle left, I realised I left my swimwear in the toilet and I had to request the driver to send us back again and he did and so it was a mad rush as I ran up and down the stairs to the pool toilet and back and up the shuttle bus again (the pool toilet is quite a distance away btw)...what a workout! Oh btw for the supposingly '90 mins' talk, I got in return a 3 days 2 nights hotel stay in Allamanda Phuket, hey hey not a bad deal cos it is a great hotel and own by the same owner as Banyan Tree and Angsana and Laguna.

Reached the ferry terminal still in good time and decided to checked out the new factory outlet that is located next to the ferry terminal, it was pathetic, not worth going, very small area, clothes not appealing so I was there in and out in less than 5 mins.

Then took the ferry and back in Singapore by 730 pm.

January 07 : Travel List

Just realized that I still hasn't gone to the places I wanted to go but from the list I want to bring my parents, we went to Honolulu, Hawaii and Las Vegas in Nov 08.
Moving forward to 2007, where will be some of the places that I will want to go?

- Maldives (ok, I know I said this for years already but has not happened but I promised by hook or by crook, I will get there....and to those who said best to go there for honeymoon, I just want to say, says who????? as long as you can handle the lovey dovey couples around you, it is not a problem, you get the most peace from such places cos no one will come and disturb you)
- Greece (another die-for place....especially watching sun-set at Oia in Santorini, visit Mykonos, see the ruins in Crete, enjoy the beaches of Corfu and so much more in Athens itself)
- Alaska (It is a winter wonderland, need I say more?)
- Mexico (Not only the city but the beaches in Acupulco, Cancun and many more)
- Brazil (Rio De Janeiro, oh yeah baby)
- Florida (Disney World, yippee...Miami, Key West, Daytona Beach, Everglades, Kennedy Space Centre and also the doorway to the Bahamas & Carribean [altho I have frens who have been there and said Bahamas is so-so only)
- Russia (Architecture beauty and pick-pockets aplenty haha)
- Japan (Especially the off-beaten tracks, should be beautiful...if not, Tokyo and Hokkaido will suffice)
- Mongolia (To get a taste of nomad's life)
- South Africa (To experience real safari)
- Egypt (To see the pyramids of cos)

Ok I know this is being a bit ambitious because I am never going to have time to visit all in 2007, maybe this lifetime more like it.

Places that I will like to bring my parents to...besides Greece and Alaska...
- Hawaii (need I say more? It is a place my dad will like to go, particularly after seeing how nice the Helekulani is but hey, that will burn a hole in my already torn pocket haha)
- Las Vegas (I know, I have been there but Vegas is pretty happening, don't mind going again and once again it is a place my dad will like to go and guess while there, wouldn't mind going to the Grand Canyon, laugh all you can, I have been to the West Coast 3 times but never even venture to Grand Canyon once)
- Canadian Rockies (Been there but it is pretty nice and L's parents have been there too on a more luxury tour and said it is quite worth it...if I attend K's wedding in July in Vancouver, perhaps I can bring them there)

And a count of the places I have been :
- Bangkok, Thailand...4 times to boot haha
- Phuket and Phi-Phi, Thailand
- Pattaya, Thailand
- Bali, Indonesia
- Bintan, Indonesia
- Batam, Indonesia
(at this point just realised, how come Thailand's beach town all start with P and all Indonesian islands I have been to start with B, coincidental?)
- Various places in Malaysia...lost count
- Suzhou, China
- Beijing, China...4 times I believe
- Hangzhou, China
- Shanghai, China...lost count
- Guangzhou, China
- Chengdu, China
- Jiuzhaigou, China
- Tibet, China
- Taiwan, ROC
- Silk Road, Pakistan
- Kathmandu & Pokhara, Nepal
- Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Various parts of Turkey, Turkey
- Melbourne, Australia
- Perth, Australia (2 years)
- Sydney, Australia (twice)
- Brisbane, Australia
- Gold Coast, Australia
- North Island, New Zealand
- South Island, New Zealand
- Some parts of South Korea
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Brussel, Belgium
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Paris, France
- London, UK
- Madrid, Spain
- Barcelona, Spain
- Florence, Italy
- Venice, Italy
- Rome, Italy
- Siena, Italy (I must add, Italy is a beautiful country, lots of places to explore, alot more for me to find out about this beautific country)
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Interlaken, Switzerland (Freshest air, snow capped mountains...it is beyond beautiful)
- Bern, Switzerland
- Lausanne, Switzerland (Switzerland has such a diversify and efficient train network that you can travel to many cities in a day, however it will just be touch and go, it is a nice and clean country to be, otherwise why would Singapore wants to model itself after her?)
- Vienna, Austria
- Prague, Czech Republic (Historic and the architecture is wonderful)
- San Francisco, California, USA (twice)
- Los Angeles, California, USA
- Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- New York (Manhattan, Corning, Buffalo, Queens) New York, USA
- Newark, New Jersey, USA
- Philadelphia & Hershey, Pennslyvania, USA
- Washington, DC, USA
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Toronto & Ottwa, Ontario, Canada
- Montreal & Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (twice)

Although I have been to many places and alot more to go, at least I know I have not live the life of a sua-ku haha

July 06 : Atlanta

Been so busy that I haven't got the time to write, not busy working or anything but busy having fun

On the 2nd day at Atlanta, I got my hands on a gun...a REAL gun and I shot a man....good thing it was just a paper man...the target...very scary experience since I stay in Singapore and has never came up close and personal with a gun before not to mention firing REAL bullets from one...

And that's not all, went to Six Flags and that scared the hell out of me too...in case you guys think I am chicken which I probably is...you may be too if you are scared of heights and had to drop 200 ft from the top of a roller coaster...during the entire ride, I only had my eyes open say 5 secs and the rest was just shut eye and scream my lungs out...sorry M if I burst your ear drums... my throat was sore for the next 2-3 days after that

Trip was fun and great catching up with frens but I miss you guys already...all the good food there had make me put on weight...quite a fair bit I tell you...

Anyway after 30 hours spent at airports/planes, I finally knocked out for 12 hours straight...but I feel so rested and ready to put myself through another long trip but perhaps not for another few weeks

July 06 : Vancouver Island

Another 4 days come and gone...went to Vancouver Island, what a relaxing trip...not like the Rockies trip, touch and go and so hectic

Tofino is beautiful and we have a great hostel with beautiful lounge and dining room which overlook the sea and guess what? My room is just right above the dining room meaning I have a good view too...a very small town where you can stay 2 days but perhaps not more than that

Except my roommates have to have the blinds down as they do not want to be awaken by the morning light...

Went whale watching but not sure why, I slept a lot on the zodiac, everyone was surprised how I can do that with the zodiac bobbing up and down, search me too

Anyhow, we have a great tour guide this time round, he looks a bit like Huge Grant from certain angles. Although I don't like Huge Grant but this guide of mine is just so funny and cute, it's hard not to like him. Apparently he seems to have just fallen out of love and you could see his occasionally depressed mood if you glimpsed at him for he will not show us that mood of his...you could however see him checking his cellphone most of the time...

Victoria..provincial capital of British Columbia...quaint and tourisy but beautiful as well...although the beaches are dirty and not much sand...on a good day, you can see US...ships go to Seattle and Victoria everyday, not a very long journey so one can go to Seattle from Victoria...definitely a cheap and hustle free way

Again not a city where you need to stay very long...some homeless people and druggies hang out on the streets too but lesser than Vancouver, surprise surprise

Flying back to San Frans tomorrow...more shopping yeahhhh...