Sunday, January 25, 2009

July 06 : Atlanta

Been so busy that I haven't got the time to write, not busy working or anything but busy having fun

On the 2nd day at Atlanta, I got my hands on a gun...a REAL gun and I shot a man....good thing it was just a paper man...the target...very scary experience since I stay in Singapore and has never came up close and personal with a gun before not to mention firing REAL bullets from one...

And that's not all, went to Six Flags and that scared the hell out of me case you guys think I am chicken which I probably may be too if you are scared of heights and had to drop 200 ft from the top of a roller coaster...during the entire ride, I only had my eyes open say 5 secs and the rest was just shut eye and scream my lungs out...sorry M if I burst your ear drums... my throat was sore for the next 2-3 days after that

Trip was fun and great catching up with frens but I miss you guys already...all the good food there had make me put on weight...quite a fair bit I tell you...

Anyway after 30 hours spent at airports/planes, I finally knocked out for 12 hours straight...but I feel so rested and ready to put myself through another long trip but perhaps not for another few weeks

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