Friday, April 17, 2009

India, Day 5

Was still planning to head to the office early but set the wrong time on the alarm so woke up 30 mins later than planned.

Anyway headed to the office and meet up with my Country Manager and had a very long day as well and after the end of the day, a group of us went to a drinking hole call Rodeo for drinks and snacks. It was a Mexican style kind of pub but not those typical dark and smoky pubs we know of back home.

By 930pm we called it a night and I was given a ride back to the hotel. I then went up to the 20th floor hoping to grab some light noodles but saw that the whole 20th floor including the lounge were reserved for some private events tonight so I had to go back to the ground floor to eat at the restaurant again.

Decided not to eat so much since I wasn’t that hungry, opted for a salad and a light main. Even so I didn’t finish both. My main was prawns and turned out it came in a bed of vegetable cooked Indian style, I just took the prawns and gave up on the rest. When the waiter came by, he noticed I did not at the vegetables and decided to get me a naan complimentary of the kitchen. When he was away taking the naan, another waiter came by and asked if he can clear the plates for me and I say yes.

Finally when the waiter came back with my naan he was shocked to find out that my plate was gone and I told him another waiter took it, thus started a chain of miscommunication. The waiter went up to his colleague and asked why his colleague clear my plates and it was not the same waiter so they went to another waiter and finally I called them over and said not to blame the poor guy cos even if he didn’t clear my plates I wouldn’t have eaten the vegetables.

I love the plain naan though, warm, crunchy and fresh. Indeed there is nothing to complain about the service of this hotel and restaurant so far. Eventually the waiter still asked if they can get me any curry to eat with the naan and was stopped by me because I frankly swear off Indian food. Sorry to say, even while I am typing this, thinking of the taste of the spices makes me want to throw up.

The funny thing is my colleagues back home are really concern, they will message me over our internal messaging system and reminded me not to eat this, not to eat that, don’t eat out, eat in, don’t cross the road etc etc because they have bad experience after they suffer from food poisoning during their trips here.

Anyway just for your info, I got another cheese platter in my room tonight. It is really interesting, so far this is the only hotel I stayed in that didn’t give chocolates but it is a nice change. Although I will love for tomorrow night’s to be something different and no more cheese.
Tomorrow I will be departing for Taj Mahal and am looking real forward to it but I will have to wake up at 5 something in the morning to get ready. Not easy for a non-morning person like me. The bus departs at 615 am and we will not be back until 10 11 pm tomorrow, super duper long day.

Hoping to get a good night sleep though but can hear some music from somewhere away from my hotel room, hope it doesn’t affect my beauty sleep.

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