Saturday, April 18, 2009

India, Day 6

Woke up real early today at 515am just to make sure I am ready to depart for Taj Mahal. Had a quick breakfast because basically there were nothing much at the buffet table at that time, given that the official breakfast starts from 630 am. Finished early and went out to meet my tour guide. I was the first one to be picked up and just so you know I was also the last to be dropped off making me the one who stayed in the van the longest with the driver.

The day was hot and draggy, I know I am going to Taj Mahal, one of the 7 wonders of the world but nonetheless I am not sure given the long journey and the heat, the whole journey was worth it.

Much as the place was beautiful, I am sorry to say I didn’t enjoy it that much cos I was constantly trying to find shade for myself but in the end, the heat still gets to me, a few times before we went for lunch, I actually almost fainted and we had to take off our shoes in order to get inside the Taj and the flooring was damn hot, initially we were walking but after a while and given the distance from the shoe deposit to the interior was a long way, we started hopping and jumping and saying ouch ouch ouch all the way. The temperature is easily 38 40 degrees I guaranteed and even so that’s not the hottest in Agra. The temperature can go all the way to 50 degrees. That’s crazy.

Anyhow, the Taj is just a mausoleum and housed the body of King Shah Jahan and his Queen whom he built the Taj in memory of.

It was a very crowded day because turned out it was World Heritage Day and the places of attractions we were going in Agra were all for free, guess it is a price to pay.

After the Taj, we went for lunch at a hotel but the food was mostly Indian and though my travel mates were all enjoying it, I was the only one who didn’t take much until I found out they have a counter that cook up pasta for you when you ordered so I was so happy but all I have was only a small plate.

After lunch, we head out to the heat to visit Agra Fort where the same King who built Taj Mahal was jailed for 7 years by his son who wanted to be the king and eventually the King died in the fort of natural causes at age 76. Actually from his ‘jail’, he can actually see Taj Mahal in the distance so he should be happy.

We visited 2 souvenirs places where none of us bought anything and eventually we headed back to Delhi. Although we didn’t stay long at the break stop because we were all eager to go back and have a shower, eventually I reached my hotel only about 1040 pm. Damn late and given that I have an early flight to catch the next day, it sucks.

To be honest, I am so looking forward to grabbing a cold shower, wash off the sand from my face and my dirty feet. In fact, my face was red like a lobster though it looks very glowing but it wasn’t fun and you can taste sand in your mouth as well. That’s the kind of weather we have to endure to see Taj Mahal.

But my hungry stomach reminded me of my priority so eventually I went up to the Chinese restaurant and had a plate of fried noodles before heading back to my room to shower and pack my luggage. Again, I got the cheese platter for the night. Sigh.

Eventually I believe I fell asleep with my water bottle in my hand around 1 something, later on the water spill and my shorts and bed got drenched. But being so tired, who will have the time to bother, I just put the cover over the bed and sleep on the covers itself.

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