Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

UK Photos

Western Australia Photos

India Photos

Just realized so much blog entries but they are just words words words and they say a picture speaks a thousand words so I am going to be posting some selected photos from my trips.

First up - India

Sunday, January 24, 2010

2 winters

I just realized I had the opportunity to enjoy 2 winters this year. 1 in the Northern Hemisphere and the other in the Southern Hemisphere. Both winters are different, one is mild to say the least though without proper heating, it is still quite hard to bear.
The other one brought different experience. Days of snow and artic cold winds but it was just as enjoyable as the other. Although you could tell the difference between the 2 based on how many layers of clothes are you wearing.
Winter is truly ranked top or 2nd best of my favorite seasons although I am born in a country which is summer from Jan to Dec. Arrghhh to get my fix I have to travel out of the country and it just burn a hole in my pocket but they are truly worth it.


Just when you want to upload photos, the program failed you and then can never relogged in again...what a hateful program arrgghhh.

Does anyone have any recommendations where to upload photos? I think I had accounts in most of the photo storage sites already.

How can I share my photos with my frens?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 18

More shopping including a bag to store my extra stuff.

Arrived at airport 3.5 hours ahead of plane takeover but need to queue for tax refund which took me more than 1 hour arrghhh. Plane was packed as alot of people were on standby and had to squeeze into this one. Plane was slightly delayed, about 15 minutes or so. Guess for most people, it is better late than never.

I understand the airline even offered 500 pounds to anyone who is willing to leave later. Sat next to some Scottish guys from Glasgow, the one sitting next to me was a very funny and sweet guy. Trip to Thailand was his birthday gift to his father. Kind of regretful that I never get his contact so we can continue to keep in touch, actually we talked for so many hours but yet we do not know each other's name.

When I got to Bangkok airport, I use my miles to redeem the use of business lounge so I can sit and shower and eat since I have a 3 hours layover. Plane back to Singapore surprising stated as departing 10 minutes earlier but yet delayed also. Ended up back in Singapore close to midnight, about an hour late.

Day 17

Came out from surf shack abt 530am, already saw people on the street, some more greet me gd morning, nice leh.

Bus from Newquay arrived ahead of time some more. Weather here damn mild. Everyone wore like freezing weather and I still didn' zip my jacket because I was sweating inside
Busy in London just running around shopping for people's stuff.
Stayed in a room with 2 aussie room mates, stuck in London because their plane to Edinburgh was cancelled at Heathrow, hopefully tomorrow is a good day and I will be able to go home.

Day 16

Alamak, just say sunny here and it snowed last night and this morning but still can walk around. Didn't buy anything because I have a long shopping list in London, better control.

It is kinda fun when you see young kids building snowman and throwing snow balls. Yesterday I saw some teenager rolling a big ball for a snowman and when he saw me taking his photo, he still stopped and posed haha.

Had dinner at a pub which got 2 out of my 3 orders wrong tsk tsk tsk and a man walked by saying something to me which I didn't catch at all. Luckily he didn't stop but walk right by.

Day 15

Heavy snow today resulted in many train delays. Even football matches were postponed due to frozen pitches.

By now my shoulders were hurting so much from carrying all my heavy stuff that I need a massage badly

Delay for the train was abt 15mins and thus I missed the train connection to Cornwall but the Train Manager walked through the train and told us they will make alternative plan, which they did. We went further for 2 more stops and then alight at Truro. 3 of us heading to Newquay were put in a cab and driven to Newquay. Yippee free of charge and warm to boot. Very nice of the train company.

Newquay is so sunny, no snow but very very strong winds because it is next to the sea. Very small town, will check out other beaches further north tomorrow.

I am staying in this surf shack which is nice. Very clean and I have the whole room to myself and it is ensuite. But it is not a hostel so no kitchen, no lounge but then again I have my own tv and cd player in the room haha. Wonderful.

Though you are not allowed to eat in the room, I actually went out to buy some Chinese takeout and even ate it on the bed while watching tv...hehe

Day 14

The hostel in Cardiff showed me where the cereals are kept the night before so I could help myself to it. They also put bread and milk there for me.

The best part however is, when I opened the cabinet, I saw a note from them to tell me to enjoy my bkfast. Super sweet.

Lovely place to stay in but there are more places for me to go.

Bath is very small, easy to see all in a few hours. I took a free walking tour in the late morning that lasted 2 hours and that basically covered all there is to see in Bath.

Onwards to Cornwall tmr.

Day 13

Went to Cardiff Bay and did some shopping. Skin very dry so had to go buy some cream from Boots.

It was sunny but very chilly. I almost had to take out my gloves and the only time I talk about using gloves was when I was at the Highlands.

Came back early and and is chilling out at the tv room. I really like this hostel, the best so far. The owners bake cookies for everyone yesterday and it seems they do something diff everytime, could be pizza, could be soup. Best of all very cosy and they have fruits for everyone too. Lovely lovely place.

Leaving for Bath tmr, checking out at 530am, arrgghh. Need to find out whether they can pack bkfast for me since I won't be around when the bkfast is served. Need to pack again tonight.

Day 12

Woke up at 7am so I can check-out of the hostel and catch a train to Cardiff.

The sun is out today, arrrgghh but still chilly although not so cold that I have to zip up and I went out with my scarf today. It was very cold this am in Manchester -3 and the train was initially like an ice-box. The Wales train is not as great as the 2 other providers I took to Manchester. After I checked in I ended up watching a MU match live on tv which they lost arrrggghh and left the hostel only abt 3pm.

The hostel I stayed in today is very clean, it's a townhouse and everything is very homely but with the cleanliness you will see in a new house. It also has its own backyard, very cute. A nice house to have.

Day 11

Had the whole room to myself last night but was awaken at 530am in the morning by loud music next door, followed by pounding at the door and shouting. Arrrrgggghhhh.

Took another nap and woke up at 730am so I can get ready to visit Old Trafford.

Went to the tram station at Mosley street to catch the tram, did not pay for it and had to look out for tram conductors haha. Reached Old Trafford but lost my way abit until I asked for direction from someone. Found the stadium after a short walk and quickly snapped some photos outside the stadium. The moment the Mega Store opened at 930am, I rushed in and asked where I can get the ticket for the Stadiyum and Museum tour. Was redirected and quickly proceeded to get my ticket. However insted of joining the tour group I was on, I joined the one later and ended up with a group 25 strong. The tour guide was fabulous, very funny and very informative although he also have his poker face on.

Tour took about an hour and after that we ended at the Mega store again but I went back to the Museum and spent some time there. By the time I left the stadium, it was already 1230pm and I walked over to Salford Quays. Saw an outlet mall there and ended up shopping there. Bought some stuff from Marks & Spencer.

Took the tram back to town, again skipping the fare again hehe. Rushed to the Nike shop as I saw some Man Utd mechandise on sale yesterday. The prices were cheaper there versus at the Mega store so I bought quite a fair bit of stuff. Ended up getting some t-shirts at Primark as well.

Walked to Rosso to see if I can see any footballers but to no avail. Went back to the hostel and did some packing. Had a hard time stuffing everything in so guess I will have to buy a bag when I reach London since I have more stuff to buy there.

Watched some tv and headed to bed. Woke up at 2am or so and read for a while before I went back to bed.

Day 10

Woke up very early today as I have to catch a train to Manchester. Train rides are really a better idea than bus rides. Faster, cleaner, easy access to toilets. Only problem is finding the right train on the right platform but that itself is also an adventure.

Arrived in Manchester at 11 plus in the morning after sneaking into an earlier train. The bus conductor was the one who said I could.

Reached the hostel before 12pm but was allowed to check-in even though the check-in time is 3pm. The all girls room was such a mess and the occupants were all sleeping even though it was already 12pm. I took my stuff and went strolling around town. Found Rosso - Rio Ferdinand's restaurant but it was closed today. Maybe I could check it out again tomorrow to see if I can see any footballers hehe.

Came back to the hostel again around 4pm and just find the thoughts of staying in the room depressing so I went downstairs to request for another room. The rest were shared room but I was able to get a dorm which is not occupied. When I went back to the room, the gals were still in bed, you can imagine that they are party animals and will probably head out at night and make lots of noises. To switch room is a good idea.

Took a shower and went to make dinner even tho I had a late lunch today. Will try to sleep early again tonight so I can wake up early tomorrow and head to Old Trafford. Lots of shopping to do!

Day 9

Today marks the midway of my trip, still in boring Glasgow.

I made an appointment to have breakfast with my fren at 8am and then we went out separate way.

I just wandered around town, bought a pair of Clarks shoes and some cookies for home.

Then I headed back to the hostel to cook dinner. by 830pm when everyone was out partying, I was already in bed.

Day 8

Woke up very early today as I had to catch a bus to Glasgow. Indeed Glasgow is kind of boring, not as much things to see and do like Edinburgh.

Spent the day travelling around on the subway and did some groceries.

Met up for dinner with a gal who stayed in the same Edinburgh histel with me. Then we had drinks at the bar below our hostel.

Day 7

Today is the last day of my 3 day tour to the Highlands.

We left the hostel as usual at 830am and travel south towards Edinbugh.

We made our first stop at the Commando Memorial where we get a very clear view of Ben Nevisn the highest mountain in Scotland. Then we had a toilet break at Fort William, the town just below Ben Nevis. After the break, we travel to Interlochy Castle.

We had a few other stops along the way including a lunch stop.

Final stop before we arrived in Edinburgh was Stirling. We stopped at the William Wallace Memorial which was on a hill top. I must applaud myself for having being able to climb up the hill which will usually be very tough for me. It was very windy up there and we were able to see the Stirling Castle from afar.

After that, we made our way south to Edinburgh arriving there at 5pm, half an hour before the expected time.

I checked into my hostel which is just next to Haggis Adventures and after dropping my bag, I quickly left the hostel to check on a shop before they closed. Then I headed to the Royal Mile to catch a glimpse of the torch light possession which started at St' Giles Cathedral and ends at Carlton Hill. Once the possession started, I headed to North Bridge for a good view of the fireworks at Carlton Hill. The fireworks were spectacular and I was able to capture them on video.

When the fireworks ended, I went back to my hostel and had an eary night.

Day 6

This morning the entire town where we stayed went out of power but the good news was we were already on the way out. The temperature was minus 7 degrees but it wasn't exactly very cold.

Today is the day we go visit the Isle of Skye, one of the places in Scotland that I really want to see.

The day started very fine but right after we have lunch in Portree, the biggest town on Skye, it started to snow and the rain.

We stopped at 2 spots - Kilt Rock (a place of myth) and Leaith (location where you can see the dynamites remains), both of which were very very cold.

Soon we had to leave Skye as the sky grow really dark. We got to the hostel at 6pm and rested awhile before heading to a nearby pub for dinner. Since the gals in my group praised the food there so much, I just had to try it myself tonight.

After dinner, the gals left to watch a show while I head back to the hostel to pack my bag as we are departing tomorrow for Edinburgh.

Day 5

Woke up early today as o had to leave on my 3 days Skye tour and also need to do my check-out.

Walked to Haggis Adventures tour agency where my tour departs. It was kinda cool and we were split into different buses due to thje big group and my coach only has 10 pax.

The tour guide has a very strong Scottish accent so much so I can't catch his name.

It started snowing as we departs and the road was kind of treacherous with most vehicles taking their own sweet time. The surroundings trees and houses were shrouded in snow and truth to be told, it is beautiful.

After a toilet break and a lunch break, we headed straight towards Inverness. We stopped at Culloden Battlefields where the battle between the jacobites and the red coats - the British. Then we went to Loch Ness and try to spot Nessie.

After which we head down to Fort Augusta where we are staying for the 2 nights during our tour.

Stayed in to cook my dinner rather than go for dinner at the pub as I already had pub food as lunch today. The hostel we are staying in is quite good, it's 2 to the room and the window in the room looks out to the courtyard filled with snow. There's no wall heater in the room but it has floor heating, yippee.

Day 4

Woke up pretty late today as my plan was to go for the walking tour with the hostel. However after hearing my room mate telling me about the 3 hour walking tour with Sandemans, I went on that tour instead.

It was a very informative tour and we spent more than 3 hours walking around the city.

And since Boxing Day sale already started and the shops were open. I managed to buy some thermal base layer at a winter sports shop and also bought some stuff at Poundland where everything goes at £1.

After that, I wondered around the Christmas market again and bought a cup of mulled wine which was quite good. It was basically warm red wine and tasted slighted sweet and not dry. I wouldn't trying again if I come across it.

Then I made my way back to the hostel since I have nothing to see anymore and I had to come back and pack my stuff as I am checking out the next day.

Had a filling dinner and shower and tried to settle in early but there was a gal who checked in late and we ended up chatting. Turned out the gal was departing on the same tour as me.

My 2 roommates ended up talking abouty ghost and all, making me so exasperated.

Anyway I managed to fall asleep although I kept waking up to ue the toilet in the middle od the night.

Day 3

Today's Christmas, cold but not snowing. Pity there's no White Christmas.

Anyway as most shops are closed today I decided to catch up on my sleep. Yesterday night I attended the Christmas eve service at St Giles Church on High Street, it started at 1130pm and ended about 1230am. It was a good service with a very old church atmosphere.

So after my return, I had a chat with my room mate (yes, someone checked in while I was napping) until about 2am before I went to bed so I onlu woke up about 9am but didn't get out of bed until near 10am where I went to have breakfast and went for a stroll. I went up the Edinburgh Castle then down Princes Street and the up Carlton Hill wher Nelson Monument is and managed to catch a glimpse of Arthur's Seat which is where the old volcano was. Due to the good weather I was also able to catch a view of the surrounding Fife.

That done, I walked back to the hostel and made my lunch. I stank of greasy food I think. I may just go for another round perhaps visit some tourisy shops that are open just to kill time and whille it is still bright.

Went up to the Castle again so I can see the light up when it gets dark. In the end I came back to the hostel again at 5pm. Somehow time pass by quite fast. Took a shower upon my return and now sitting in the Chill Room watching tv. Probably will head down to cook my dinner later before having an early night tonight.

Day 2

It's another post but it is still Day 2. Finally after 2 days of sleeping in the plane and bus, I got 2 sleep in a bed tonight.

I booked for a quad female sharing room but since this I checked in, no one else has joined me so I have the whole room to myself. Hopefully it stays that way so I can use 4 pillows and 4 quilts if I want haha.

After I checked in I had a shower before heading out. Frankly I never realized that Edinburgh has so many slopes, just like SF. With the snow, it was quite scary and dangerous going downhill. Anyway 1st stop after leaving the hostel is to walk to the main road to catch a bus to the Ocean Terminal to see the Britannia, which is the boat used by Queen Elizabeth and now park at the Ocean Terminal after it was decommissioned. Ended up shopping for some grocery at M&S. Many stuff were on further reduction during to the shops being closed for Christmas.

After leaving the Terminal, I took a bus to Holyrood Park which is next to the Palace of Holyrood. Some history.

From Holyrood, I took a bus out and change to another bus which takes me to Princes Street where there was a funfair going on, featuring Scottish and German goodies. I ended up trying a Whisky Lemonade which was ok, not very alcoholic. Then I couldn't resist trying some Haggis which were placed in a row. The taste was acceptable, not much different from eating pig liver.

After eating all those, I still couldn't resisting eating some chips. It just made me so full that I will probably skip dinner.

Took a bus from Princes Street back to the main street near my hostel and walk back in. The path was quite isolated so I will probably not want to walk back from there again after dark and mind you, it was only about 6pm but fully dark.

Anyway upon coming back. I stored my grocery away and checked with the counter guy if he knows whether there are any church services around our hostel and yes there are, held at St Giles at 1130pm. So now will be a good time for me to take a nap and rest my tired shoulders and knee first before going for a workout again.

Day 1 and 2

Again this time I write my daily journals on my blackberry and thus should be quite fast in copying and pasting them.

The first 2 days of the trip is really tedious. As I write this entry I think I may come down with heat stroke. That's right heat stroke in winter.

Let's start from Day 1. I departed at 9 pm from Singapore to London via Bangkok. First leg of the trip was ok but 2nd leg was horrendous. The flight time was long but yet it was hard to sleep with a crying infant in the row before mine.

Upon arrival in Heathrow, I took the underground to the city and deposit my backpack at the hostel. After that off I go check out the Victoria Coach Station where I will be taking the coach to Ednburgh the same night. Having familiarize myself the route already, I started on my sightseeing. Took the underground to Fulham Broadway and check out Stamford Bridge, home to the Chelsea Football Club, all I did there were snap some photos since I am not a fan of theirs. Then I took the underground to Arsenal to of cos see the Emirates Stadium.

After that, I tool the Docklands Light Rail to get to the Maritime Museum together with the Royal Observatory where I get to see the Greenwich Meridian line.

Then it started drizzling so instead of checking out the Chinatown, I detoured to Marble Arch to get some leggings at Marks & Spencer instead. Though I was keen to view the night view of Parliament, eventually the long walk was not worth it. Thus even though it was only about 530pm, I decided to get back to the hostel to rest my weary legs. Although I wasn't staying there, I managed to shower and sit down for a light dinner and coffee. As it was still early I had time to kill, I even took an one hour nap on the sofa in the lounge.

That done, with a quick visit to the toilet, I left the hostel for Victoria Coach Station.

The bus was quite cramped and the toilet wasn't working so we ended up with a few toilet breaks which was good as I get to stretch my legs.

Eventually when we reached Newcastle, the bus broke down and we had to wait for a replacement bus to come along.

After so many dramas we are finally on our way and after many hours of being in the bus, it started to get stuffy and I am sweating. Fortunately the aircon came on just as I was about to suffocate. We managed to drive into Edinburgh now and hopefully the hostel can allow me to check in so I can shower and cook my lunch.

Will keep you guys posted on what I did later when I get settle in.

Trip to the UK

Went to London 8 years ago and only stayed 2.5 days there, this time round I have decided to explore more of UK and again very little time in London.

Let me share with you my 18 days trip to the UK this time.