Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday, 28th Aug

Set my alarm for 8 am but once again snooze and laze until 930am. Woke up and made my breakfast and planned my meals for the next 2 days as I had to finish up all my food. Finally left the apartment around 1130 am and took the tram to Fitzroy Garden to look at some traditional cottages.

Walked from there to MCG hoping to get the free tourist shuttle but due to an AFL game today the stop was not operating. Ended up walking from there all the way to Federation Square to find out how to catch the shuttle. It was then 120 pm, had an aching left knee, think because I cycle and ran last night at the gym and since I recently hurt it in a fall, it seems unable to take the stress. However walk I must, took the shuttle bus (which was very very slow to be honest) and lots of waiting time at each stop and alighted at Habour Town outlets, nothing much to buy. Tempted by Uggs but didn’t buy at all.

Left Harbor Town by shuttle bus again and alighted at Crown Casino and spent the rest of the afternoon there. Left there about 630 pm, I planned it that way so that I can find out how to walk back to my apartment after the tram/bus services ended.

Took me about 30 mins slow walk back to the apartment, part of it was uphill and my left knee was complaining like mad. Made my dinner and walked tv…can’t get enough of BBC Lifestyle channel which I can’t get to watch back home.

Finished most of my packing since I had to check out by 1030 am tomorrow. Felt that I have ran out of places to go, maybe go to Spencer Street mall but 1 mall is not much different from another. I know I will spend some time at the casino for sure because I have no idea where to go. Will have to go to the airport tomorrow night from the apartment and they have a lounge which I can pay to use but since I am not planning to stay long in the apartment area after returning, I will probably not pay for that service.

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