Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday, 27th Aug

Woke up at 730 am even though my clock was set for 8 am. Guess it was because I had such a good night sleep. Made myself breakfast and took a shower and left to take a tram to Docklands. Walked around at New Quay, didn’t see anything much at Harbour Town that I was interested in (may explore more tomorrow) and then went to South Wharf to DFO (Direct Factory Outlet).

Was tempted to get a few things but resisted that. Walked down to Crown Casino and spent a few hours there. Skipped my lunch but wasn’t very hungry, must be because I have a heavy breakfast. After leaving Crown, took the tram to Melbourne Central/QV but didn’t do any shopping.

After that, took a tram back to my apartment and prepare my dinner. Took a while to prepare since it was a BIG dinner. Finished dinner and typing my journal while having my coffee. Had been meaning to go to the gym but after such a heavy dinner, just feel like lazing (dang, getting fat to fatter, luckily walked a lot the last 2 days). Will do my laundry and take a shower before heading to bed.

Must do my various masks since my skin are getting very dry due to the weather.

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