Saturday, September 10, 2011

From Melbourne to Auckland : Tuesday, 30th Aug

Arrived at the airport last night at 10 pm or so and was trying to find a place to sleep but seats were limited and most of all the airport was freaking cold. Every time I managed to fall asleep, some loud noise will wake me up.

The Qantas counter was not opened for check-in for the Auckland flight and they only reopen at 330am for that flight. So I set my alarm at 3am and walked over to the Qantas counter. Managed to get an aisle seat on the emergency exit row as well. After collecting my boarding pass, went into the passport control area, the duty free area was huge I must say. Anyway went straight to the gate but since plane wasn’t ready, I took another short nap and woke up at 515 am for boarding.

Saw the row behind me was empty so after takeoff, went to the row and lay down to sleep. So I skipped my breakfast, my lunch and when I finally reached the apartment I was staying, it was close to 2 pm, room was not ready so I had to wait a while. Imagine cold and hungry! Anyway show you guys the slope that I had to go down to the apartment, thankfully it was downhill rather than uphill but when it is wet, it is quite precarious still.

Anyway when I was given another room, I took it, unpack, shower and then went out to explore the town. Took the city circuit line bus which was free around and around just to familiarize myself with the service and the stop. Tomorrow I will try the Fish Market’s bus and Sky Tower bus but no hurry since I have 4 full days to do so. Went grocery shopping but didn’t buy much cos this apartment doesn’t provide a range top for studio apartment, all I have is a microwave oven so cooking is slow as there is only 1 cooking apparatus.

But at least their washing machine works and I put my clothes to wash after putting the dishes into the dishwasher.

Oh another cool thing is they have a heater towel rail in the bathroom and free breakfast and internet so I am definitely going to go online after this to catch up with what’s going on in the world while I was away. Just saw there was a charge for logging onto the internet, will call the reception to check before trying again.

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