Saturday, September 10, 2011

Other sights in Auckland

So there are few things that deserved mention, such as the perfect rainbow while on my harbour cruise. In reality the colors of the rainbow were very vivid but I think the camera can't really captured it.

And this huge blow up rugby ball which is next to the Ferry Terminal. It is because New Zealand is hosting the Rugby World Cup from 9 September.
This is not about Auckland but on Sydney, if you look really carefully you can see the Sydney Tower in the background, this picture is taken at the Sydney Airport, surprisingly the A380 has a camera at its tail but you can't really see it at this photo but the camera is really sharp and takes very clear images especially when landing.

Saturday, 3rd September

Woke up at 6 am, put my pyjamas into the laundry and then took another nap till 8 am. Woke up took a shower and pack once again after my laundry was done. Decided to check-out before 10 am so I can catch an early bus to the airport.

But I ended up waiting fairly long for the airport bus but still managed to get in 2 hours before the flight time. Nothing much to do at the airport basically, nothing to eat, nothing to buy.

After a 3 hours plus flight, we arrived at Sydney for transit. As our flight arrived earlier there were ample time to look around and it was much bigger than the Auckland airport anyway. Bought 2 OPI nail polish and that was all before I had to start boarding my flight.

Arrived in Singapore earlier than expected, as usual after a quick immigration and luggage pickup I was out of the airport by 1050 pm and home by 1115 pm.

Now I can finish typing this journal and get to bed since I have been up for the last 22 hours. I bet I won’t wake up until at least 12 noon tomorrow.

Friday, 2nd September

Today is the day I planned to go Devonport but can’t go until I did my internet check-in close to 1pm so decided to head down to the pharmacy at Britomart to get some items for a friend, had lunch there before coming back to the apartment to do my internet check-in.

Once done, I quickly left for the Ferry Terminal, made it in the nick of time but because ferry was late, was considered early. Ferry to Devonport takes only 10 minutes. I thought it was a English looking town but quaint as it might be, it appears too small and I don’t feel I am in UK.

Took a walk up Mount Victoria, after much huffing and puffing I finally reached the top. Although I don’t enjoy the climb up but I must say the view of Auckland from the top is actually quite nice. Walked back to town wanting to check out Devonport Chocolate shop but didn’t realize it was so tiny. There was barely space for more than 10 customers, pathetic.

Anyway left there and headed back to the ferry to catch the ferry back. Was planning to stay longer but felt already seen everything I saw so back to Auckland it is.

Upon arrival in Auckland, I walked to the supermarket to once again get more items for a friend and then decided to head to Sky City but they wanted me to deposit my backpack this time so I decided not to waste my time.

Took a leisure stroll back to the apartment where I got ample time to cook and watch tv and pack. Went to bed around 1130 pm as I had to wake up at 6 am tomorrow to do my laundry one last time.

Thursday, 1st September

Once again can’t wake up early. Was online till 130 am and set my alarm for 8 am but snooze and snooze till 10 am. Made breakfast, shower and head out to check out the nearest Air Bus stop which was actually an uphill climb so I will be choosing the other alternative which is a downhill and actually it feels nearer to me.

From there I took a bus to Britomart and checked out DFS for Manuka honey but they were very very expensive. In the end, I didn’t buy and headed to Westfield again. Walked around while waiting for 130 pm to come so I can go on my harbor cruise. Saw a beautiful rainbow after a short drizzle.

When we arrived back at the city, the rain got heavier so I hop on the Sky City shuttle bus to go to Auckland Museum which I initially planned to go tomorrow. After dropping there, I walked around the grounds and see the beautiful Winter Gardens. Then I hop on the Sky City shuttle bus again and got drop off at Sky City, stayed a while at the casino then walked down to the supermarket to get the manuka honey as I was told they were cheaper.

Came back about 8 pm, cooked my dinner and had a shower and since I have already explore Auckland Museum, I can actually sleep in again tomorrow haha. Lots of laundry and packing to do tomorrow night. Will spent some time in the city tomorrow morning, need to pop by the pharmacy to get some capsules for a friend and then will come back to the apartment to do the internet check-in before heading out to Devonport via ferry.

Wednesday, 31st Aug

I must be more tired than I thought. Fell asleep last night while watching the tv and didn’t even wait till the dishwasher nor washing machine stops. I was asleep by the time it was 930 pm and I didn’t wake up until 11 am this morning. Wow!

Made my brunch and then headed out to the city. Made my way to Auckland Fish Market which was a huge disappointment, I was expecting to be bigger but not so.

Anyway spent a while there and then walked back to the Ferry Terminal via Viaduct Harbour where I checked out some cruises. Had in mind to take a ferry to Waiheke but decided on a harbor cruise instead as it will stop over at Rangitoto Island and I also get a return ticket to Devonport worth $11 and the Harbour Cruise cost me $36 which will include a morning tea or afternoon tea depending on whether I take the morning or afternoon cruise.

After booking my trip I walked to Britomart where I ended in Westfield mall. Malls here are quite the joke, there are not much shops unlike the Westfield in Australia. The massage definitely looks good which I don’t mind trying if I have $40 to spare. Will have to KIV on that. Saw some manuka honey for sale which I am keen to buy but will wait till the last minute as I am very keen to see whether they are on sale at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday.

From there I walked down Albert Street and ended up at Sky City, I was hoping to catch the Sky City bus which will take me to the Auckland Museum but the last bus just left 9 minutes before I arrived…arrghhh. So decided to drop by the casino and play some slot machines.

This time round I was very disciplined, I did not stay long there, by 630 pm or so I was out of there and walked back to the apartment rather than take the bus. Popped by some pharmacies and saw some items on sale which are highly tempting.

Will have to do more shopping on Friday night and checked if I can get a slightly later check-out time of 1030 am at least.

From Melbourne to Auckland : Tuesday, 30th Aug

Arrived at the airport last night at 10 pm or so and was trying to find a place to sleep but seats were limited and most of all the airport was freaking cold. Every time I managed to fall asleep, some loud noise will wake me up.

The Qantas counter was not opened for check-in for the Auckland flight and they only reopen at 330am for that flight. So I set my alarm at 3am and walked over to the Qantas counter. Managed to get an aisle seat on the emergency exit row as well. After collecting my boarding pass, went into the passport control area, the duty free area was huge I must say. Anyway went straight to the gate but since plane wasn’t ready, I took another short nap and woke up at 515 am for boarding.

Saw the row behind me was empty so after takeoff, went to the row and lay down to sleep. So I skipped my breakfast, my lunch and when I finally reached the apartment I was staying, it was close to 2 pm, room was not ready so I had to wait a while. Imagine cold and hungry! Anyway show you guys the slope that I had to go down to the apartment, thankfully it was downhill rather than uphill but when it is wet, it is quite precarious still.

Anyway when I was given another room, I took it, unpack, shower and then went out to explore the town. Took the city circuit line bus which was free around and around just to familiarize myself with the service and the stop. Tomorrow I will try the Fish Market’s bus and Sky Tower bus but no hurry since I have 4 full days to do so. Went grocery shopping but didn’t buy much cos this apartment doesn’t provide a range top for studio apartment, all I have is a microwave oven so cooking is slow as there is only 1 cooking apparatus.

But at least their washing machine works and I put my clothes to wash after putting the dishes into the dishwasher.

Oh another cool thing is they have a heater towel rail in the bathroom and free breakfast and internet so I am definitely going to go online after this to catch up with what’s going on in the world while I was away. Just saw there was a charge for logging onto the internet, will call the reception to check before trying again.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Other sightings in Melbourne

An unknown sign in most part of the world, it means you need to first turn left in order to turn right. Confusing right? These is only for some streets in Melbourne CBD so that cars wanting to turn right will move left first so they don't block the tram and then they can turn right later on. It's call a hook turn just so you know.
Saw these in Chinatown

And these restaurants that were in Chinatown and 1 across the road from where I stayed. If you look at the restaurant's names you will know the reason why I took their photos.

I also spotted this road barrier which are very funky and cute.
And this bridge from Docklands to New Quay, love the curve though it won't shelter you if it is raining.

And this building from afar, it is call Eureka 88, there is a 3 meter platform protruding from the 88th floor, not for those with fear of heights, if you look real hard, you can actually see the platform from here.

Also spotted these barricade to prevent landslides or erosion along slopes but interestingly they give me the feeling that I am in a sauna cos don't the rocks look the same to you?

A Russian looking structure in Melbourne? Issit a palace? Noooo, it is a theatre.

Saw a row of building along the Yarra River, looks like they are some rowers' associations, just look at the number of rowers getting into the river?

And last but not least, isn't the garden of this house just outside the MCG cute? Love the elephant trees!

Monday, 29th Aug

Woke up in the middle of the night and saw the ending of the Man Utd versus Arsenal match and Man Utd was leading 7-2, I kept thinking the match was tonight rather than last night. I was however too tired to stay awake to watch the last 10 minutes or so therefore I didn’t get to see Man Utd thrashed Arsenal 8-2. Cool!

Set my alarm at 8 am and did not snooze today as I had to finish up my packing. Cleaned up the dishes, wiped out my food and stuffed everything in my luggage so I can go out for the day.

Was given late check-out until 1030 am but left earlier than that, deposit my luggage at the reception and did my check-out then off I went to wander the streets once again.

Took the tram to corner of Spencer Street and walked towards Spencer St Mall, as I said before all the malls are the same generally. From there I walked down to Collins and William to take the tourist shuttle for a ride around town. Took the tourist shuttle one loop and ended up at Harbour Town again. Alighted and had my lunch (packed sandwiches) in the lounge while getting out of the cold and there were free coffee at the lounge area so it was fabulous.

After that I took the shuttle bus to Crown Casino and stayed there till 730pm. Had my dinner there even though I still have another set of packed sandwiches with me as I decided to treat myself to a proper meal for my last night in Melbourne.

Walked back to the apartment after that and reached the apartment at 8 pm and collected my luggage, took out my laptop to type my journal for today while waiting for my Skybus shuttle service to Southern Cross station to come at 9 pm.

Will be camping overnight at the airport tonight as my flight for Auckland departs at 6 am tomorrow morning that’s why there is no point to stay one more night at the apartment.

Sunday, 28th Aug

Set my alarm for 8 am but once again snooze and laze until 930am. Woke up and made my breakfast and planned my meals for the next 2 days as I had to finish up all my food. Finally left the apartment around 1130 am and took the tram to Fitzroy Garden to look at some traditional cottages.

Walked from there to MCG hoping to get the free tourist shuttle but due to an AFL game today the stop was not operating. Ended up walking from there all the way to Federation Square to find out how to catch the shuttle. It was then 120 pm, had an aching left knee, think because I cycle and ran last night at the gym and since I recently hurt it in a fall, it seems unable to take the stress. However walk I must, took the shuttle bus (which was very very slow to be honest) and lots of waiting time at each stop and alighted at Habour Town outlets, nothing much to buy. Tempted by Uggs but didn’t buy at all.

Left Harbor Town by shuttle bus again and alighted at Crown Casino and spent the rest of the afternoon there. Left there about 630 pm, I planned it that way so that I can find out how to walk back to my apartment after the tram/bus services ended.

Took me about 30 mins slow walk back to the apartment, part of it was uphill and my left knee was complaining like mad. Made my dinner and walked tv…can’t get enough of BBC Lifestyle channel which I can’t get to watch back home.

Finished most of my packing since I had to check out by 1030 am tomorrow. Felt that I have ran out of places to go, maybe go to Spencer Street mall but 1 mall is not much different from another. I know I will spend some time at the casino for sure because I have no idea where to go. Will have to go to the airport tomorrow night from the apartment and they have a lounge which I can pay to use but since I am not planning to stay long in the apartment area after returning, I will probably not pay for that service.

Saturday, 27th Aug

Woke up at 730 am even though my clock was set for 8 am. Guess it was because I had such a good night sleep. Made myself breakfast and took a shower and left to take a tram to Docklands. Walked around at New Quay, didn’t see anything much at Harbour Town that I was interested in (may explore more tomorrow) and then went to South Wharf to DFO (Direct Factory Outlet).

Was tempted to get a few things but resisted that. Walked down to Crown Casino and spent a few hours there. Skipped my lunch but wasn’t very hungry, must be because I have a heavy breakfast. After leaving Crown, took the tram to Melbourne Central/QV but didn’t do any shopping.

After that, took a tram back to my apartment and prepare my dinner. Took a while to prepare since it was a BIG dinner. Finished dinner and typing my journal while having my coffee. Had been meaning to go to the gym but after such a heavy dinner, just feel like lazing (dang, getting fat to fatter, luckily walked a lot the last 2 days). Will do my laundry and take a shower before heading to bed.

Must do my various masks since my skin are getting very dry due to the weather.

Friday, 26th Aug

Arrived in Melbourne at 615am or so, an hour later due to flight delay from Singapore. Flight was on a Qantas A380, took a SQ A380 to Sydney a few years back and in comparison, there seems to be some differences.

The seat itself on Qantas doesn’t feel much wider or bigger than a normal SQ 747 for example but the aisle is definitely wider and ooh don’t get me started on the refreshment area. I don’t recall SQ having a refreshment area but Qantas does and there were cookies, cakes, soft drinks and mineral water. The flight entertainment system is more or less the same but I like the Qantas remote controller although I was using the touch screen all the time. Dinner was so so and breakfast was quite miserable, just a Danish with the standard coffee and tea.

While on the plane, I watched 2 movies – Kungfu Panda 2 and Arthur after which I tried to sleep but can’t and before I knew it, it was time for breakfast and landing.

Upon arrival in Melbourne, took the Skybus to the city, there were some heavy traffic so it took about 30 mins to get to the city instead of 20 mins as advertised. What is good about Skybus is they offer free hotel transfers from Southern Cross station when the Skybus terminates. By 8 plus I was already at the City Tempo apartment on Queen Street where I am booked for 3 nights.

I was assigned a room which was not ready but I was asked if I wanted an available room which is ready for occupancy but it is on a lower floor. Given that I was very tired I just accepted. Checked in and love the place, especially the kitchen and laundry facilities.

After unpacking, I went straight to bed, wanting to get an hour’s nap but it ended up into 2 over hours cos I kept snoozing. I woke up about 11, took a shower and headed out to Queen Victoria’s Market which is walking distance from my apartment. I thought it was a long walk but it was actually 5 mins or so only. Bought some fresh produce, like fresh button mushrooms, cauliflower, bacon and eggs for preparing my meals the next few days. Came back and bought a loaf of bread from a supermarket opposite my apartment. Came back and cook bacon, eggs and mushroom with bread. After I cooked and cleaned up, it was time to go out and sightsee and run my errands. Ran to the bank and post some letters then walked down to Flinder Street Train Station and towards South Bank and to a supermarket to grab some pasta, chicken and oyster sauce.

Took the tram back to my apartment and cooked my dinner. Then planned to do some reading but was watching tv after dinner and by 930 pm I was snoring away.

ANZ trip

Took a short 9 days trip to Melborne and Auckland, the 9th day is actually just on the plane so perhaps I should say it is a 8 days trip. I wrote down my experience and is posting them day by day right after this post.