Thursday, September 24, 2009


I have downloaded all my photos finally...actually very fast by my standards cos I usually get bogged down by work and stuff after my vacation.

However I am still in the process of sorting it out and will update soonest possible..hopefully not months later cos by then it is time to post photos from my next trip hehehe.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 4 : Kalbarri & Monkey Mia

We had to depart at 715 am today but due to the cold weather most of us prefer to laze in bed. However as I did not get to shower the night before, I had to drag myself to the bathroom.

After the breakfast we went on the way south towards the Hutt Province which is declared as a country on its own and has their own sovereign. Prince Leonard 1 seems a bit of a eccentric and egoistic. There was a chapel in the compound with paintings of Jesus and His followers whom he proclaimed was his sons who lived in houses aroung the compound, pure weird. The only upside is probably getting an additional stamp on my passport that's all.

The whole place looks so deserted even though the no. of residents listed was ~ 20 but the only people we saw around was the Prince himself and his wife who is known as the Princess. Some of us can't wait to get out of his 'country'.

We then headed to Greenough Wildlife Park past Geraldton. We then had lunch there before heading south towards Perth.

Stopped at a bakery for a cup of coffee and get a chocolate eclair at the same time, it was delicious. After another toilet break we drove all the way to Perth.

We reached Perth city about 630pm and that marked the end of my North tour or should I say all my paid tours in Perth.

Day 3 : Kalbarri & Monkey Mia

Set my alarm for 6 am to catch the sunrise but decided to laze instead but finally got up as everyone in the room were up and running.

Managed to catch hold of the rising sun and I ended up being on the beach with just another guy living at the resort.

Came back to the kitchen to grab breakfast with the rest before heading back to the room to get my camera and shoot the dolphins.

By the time I got to the beach it was so crowded but still managed to get a front row 'seat'. They do swim very close to the shore and you are able to see their features clearly.

After the 1st feeding, the mother dolphins went off to the sea to feed their calves. By the time I head back to the beach again with another travel mate, the dophins were back having their 2nd feed. This time round as the crowd had lessen significantly I was able to volunteer to feed the one of the dolphins....yippee.

Majority of the group either went to the Aborogine Tour or went out to sea on a cruise. Only 1 of the guy and myself ended up in the resort and we had to do the checkout but it was alright as I get to shower and refresh myself.

We departed at 12 pm after everyone returns from their respective tours. We stopped over at Denham for fuel before making an one hour journey to see the Stromatolites at Hamelin Pool. Stromatolites are known to be the 1st living organisms on Earth and apparently you can only see these in 6 places over the world, out of which 5 are in WA and the other one in the Bahamas.. Great!

After lunch, we drove on for hours before arriving at Riverside Sanctuary where we are having a farmstay for the last night of our tour. It is a wheat farm with very few animals. The animals are kept as pets rather than sold for their meats. There are 2 emus, 1 ostrich and 1 sheep. The sheep thinks she is an emu as there are no other sheeps around. Whatever the emus do, the sheep will emulate, so funny. The overseer at the farm was telling us stories about the sheep at the campfire which we lit after dinner. Dinner was kangaroo shephard pie by the way which was baked by the overseer.

The farm opened its doors to campers, student groups and tourists etc. I think it is a pretty neat place, the sleeping quarters and the bathrooms were clean and tidy. The overseer was actively recruit a gal from my tour group to stay on the farm to help him for some housekeeping duties. It is a non-paying job but you get free lodging and meals.

Anyway, after the campfire we all went to bed as we have a long way to go as we leave for Perth tomorrow.

Day 2 : Kalbarri & Monkey Mia

We started today on target and departed for the Z Bend Gorge where we had to climb up to the lookout and then it was downwards towards the riverbed. However midway through we stopped to do abseiling.

Initially I wanted to try but I was wearing my Teva and was worried I won't be able to grip to the rockface. So I went down to the foot and ended up being the official photographer.

Once everyone was done, we walked down to the riverbed where we stayed awhile. Most enjoyed the sun there but there were a lot of flies.

Next, we drove 20 mins to the Natures Window, a rock frame that framed the river below perfectly. After the hike, we had lunch there.

After lunch we departed for Shark's Bay. Unlike the south where you can stop for some sightseeing every few hours, up north most of the stops after long hours of driving are toilet stops. It took us 4 hours from our lunch stop to Shark's Bay.

And it is the best part of our trip as we will get to the most Western point of Australia - Denham and feed the dolphins at Monkey Mia.. From far we can also see Dirk Hartog Island where the first white men landed in Australia. A lot of 1st here as you will see.

Enroute to Denham and Monkey Mia, we stopped by Shell Beach where the whole beach are filled with cockles shell. Next up was Eagle Bluff where we get to see the ocean views.

We stayed in a resort in Monkey Mia called Dolphin Resort which is by the ocean, so cool. Like the resort a lot, if I ever come back to Monkey Mia again, will definitely stay here again.

For dinner we had fried noodles with stir fried vegetables and chicken cooked in teriyaki sauce, yum. After dinner we went for a stroll on the beach which was very dark but we get to see a sky filled with stars, make you want to camp on the beach tonight. Really beautiful!

Tomorrow we will be able to check out the dolphins feeding session while others go for their cruise. And if I can wake up early I will definitely consider going to watch the sunrise.

Day 1 : Kalbarri & Monkey Mia

Woke up at 5+ again to get ready for my North trip. Feeling very tired as I didn't sleep well yesterday and the journey from Esperance to Perth was a very long trip and I didn't nap on the bus because I was reading a book.

The bus used today is more like a van, more comfy but due to the limited seats it is quite cramped. Changed my seat from the last row to a single seater, sweet....lot more leg room.

First stop was Pinnacles, I last went there like 13-14 years ago and it is slightly different, they spruced up the place abit. Ran into 2 gals from my trip down south as we will be on the same itinerary for the first 3 days. On the fourth day, I will head back to Perth while they will continue on to Broome, very far and many days away.

After Pinnacles, we went sand boarding at Sandy Bay, doing it for the first time and initially I was quite afraid of the heights but it was really not so steep to start with. Only went for 2 rounds as the tedious part is lugging the boards up the sand dunes after coming down, really tiring. Was all soaked in sand, they got into my clothes, mouth, camera, everything. We then had lunch there before moving on to our destination for tonight - Kalbarri.

Our guide aimed to reach there before it grew dark so we can see the sunset and also the coast at Port Denison. Quite excited to be near the ocean again. We passed by Geraldton on our way up north and it is surprisingly quite a beautiful town for a mining town, I would love to own one of the huge houses overlooking the ocean, drool. Apparently the weather is a cool 24 degree year round, sounds great!

By the way, the weather up north is very different from Perth. While the latter is cold and rainy, the north has been very hot so far, temperature wise it is not exactly very high as it is still windy but it is already too hot for my liking....arrggghhh.

Reached Kalbarri on target and we got to view the coast before the sunset. Once we checked into our hostel, we started on preparing the bbq and it was an easy affair as everyone helped out and we were able to finished all the cleanup before 9pm and also allows for me to enjoy my tea while writing this entry.

Tomorrow we will head to Monkey Mia, although I am looking forward to the scenery but I am already dreading the hot weather, my nose is peeling despite the moisturizer and sunblock!

Day 5 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

Today is the last day of our South tour as we rode approximately 730 km back to Perth. We left bright and early at 630am and there was a slight drizzle as we were departing.

Midway to Perth we dropped by Hyden to see Wave Rock and then it was onwards to Corringin to see a dog cemetery.

Next we stopped at York for a toilet break where the Avon River runs through it and our tour guide gave us 20 mins to enjoy the town. Unfortunately there was a heavy downpour and we were stuck at the shelter and had to get on the bus to go back to Perth without checking out the town.

That marked the end of my South trip and tomorrow I depart on my North trip. Can't wait to update all of you on it.

Day 4 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

The day started windy but yet sunny although last night I had to sleep with my jacket on....brrrrr

We started the day by climbing Cape Le Grand. It was steep and you have to climb on the rock surface, I made it to the top this time, yeah!!! It was harder to climb up for me versus coming down but then again what's new?

We spent our entire day in Esperance today and we were busy beach hopping. 1st up was Lucky Bay, long stretch of white sand used by Tourism Australia for their ads but it is not exactly clean. We then had lunch at the bbq area there and then we went to check the Whistling Rock which wasn't whistling by the way as the wind was not blowing in the 'right' direction. Next we walked to Thistle Bay which has a more pristine and cleaner environment than Lucky Bay.

Following that, we went to another beach which is our guide's favourite - Hellfire's Bay. It was shorter than the previous beaches but it was very windy yet less 'sandy'.

I must add that besides having sandwiches for our lunches recently, we were also having the real deal - 'sand'wiches, gifts from the wind.

After all the beach hopping we headed back to the hostel for those who had to dropped off their wet clothes and then we went off for the Great Ocean Drive - more beaches.

Before we went on the drive, we stop by the Tanker Jetty near the hostel and look for Sammi the sea lion but it was nowhere to be found. So was the ice cream truck that my guide was looking for. So the guide said we will pop by agin later.

The Great Ocean Drive may not be as spectacular as the one in Melbourne but it is definitely less commercialized and crowded and instead of rocks formation you see endless ocean and of cos beaches.

First stop on the drive was a spot where we were told to check out some surfers and man oh man, there were some huge nice houses overlooking the ocean, drool. I was more keen on the houses than the surfers, truth to be told.

2nd stop was Twilight Cove which has nothing to do with the movie and it wasn't spooky just so you know. You can see a few huge rocks in the cove and one looked like a rabbit's head. Look at the photo and let me know if you see it the way I saw it. Next to the cove was a beach called Picnic Beach and again it doesn't seem like a spot for picnics and most importantly you don't see any picnic tables at all, not sure why the names given doesn't gel with the actual place though. The tide was coming in and that leaves very little space for you to even take a stroll on the beach.

We move on to a spot call Observatory Point and this one fits its name better, there were stairs going down for you to check out the beach below and there were stairs going up to a lookout point and it was bloody windy. The majestic ocean views were great from the lookout.

Back to the winds, they were very strong throughout, we can feel our bus rocking when it is stationary and most of the time if you are walking, you can either be push forward or backward depending on the wind's direction.

Moving on, we arrived at a beach call 10 Mile Beach which was named because it was exactly 10 miles from town and not because it was 10 miles long. AND it is a nudist beach but there were no sunbathers there of cos due to the winter like weather.

Nearer to this part of the drive, you can see many wind turbines on the hilltop, very smart since it is always windy one should take advantage of it. Apparently 70% of Esperance gets their energy from wind and the remaining from gas. Amazing! I am very impressed because I know I will never get to see these back home. Anyway, the good news was our guide decided to bring us to the wind farm and you know what? You can actually stand under the wind turbines, our guide wanted to let us hear how loud it was but all we heard was the howling of the wind. Then, it started drizzling and we started to hide behind the turbine. It was the first shower after a long day of sun and while standing under the turbine we looked up and saw the turbine moving. Of course it was not, it was the moving clouds that caused the impression. My guide felt it was freaky and decided to run back to the bus hehe.

Right after the mini shower, a wonderous rainbow appeared in front of us, beautiful!

Last stop on our drive was a place called Pink Lake and as you probably already guessed, it is not pink! Why's that so? Because it is filled with too much water during this season so it look like a normal lake but apparently during the drier seasons when the water evaporates, it looked pink when light get reflected on it. This is due to the rich beta carotene minerals that are at the bottom of the lake.

Having seen the Pink Lake that's not pink, it marked the end of our drive. We headed back to town and I hitched a ride from our guide to town to grab some snacks from the supermarket while he pumped petrol.

We had stirfried chicken with vegetables and rice. Yum, though it was too salty for my liking but nonetheless it was good to have a change after days of pasta and processed meats. The dinner somehow took 2 hours to prepared so even though we wanted to have an early night it was quite impossible since we ate only at 830pm.

I was out by 1030pm as we had to wake up at 530am the next day as we had to get ready for the long drive back to Perth.

Day 3 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

Today is another bright sunny day. First thing in the morning, our guide made us climbed 88 steps to the top of a war memorial and that was just the start of tougher things to come.

After that, we departed for Middleton beach where you can see a broad expanse of sea. If we are there on the right season and the right day, we might just see whales who are on their migration south. However, today is not the day.

We then headed for the Stirling Ranges where we were to climb a huge mountain called Bluff Knoll. It was tedious as I hate everything with stairs and I didn't managed to go all the way to the top since we were told to be back by a certain time and there were more and more steep stairs to the top and due to the time, I know I wouldn't be able to made it to the top.

When all had descended we had lunch at the foot of the mountain and then headed to Esperance from there on. It took us some 4 - 5 hrs to get there. It is really tough being the driver since the rest of us do not need to do anything at all.

Heard my guide say we are climbing another mountain tomorrow which is not that high but it is steeper. Oh crap!

Anyway, see what happens tomorrow in my next post.

Day 2 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

Today I made a request to the guide to show us the Augusta lighthouse which I saw in so many postcards. It is actually called Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse which is supposingly the most southern part of Australia. Not quite sure about that as I always think Tasmania is further down south.

Anyhow, what's special about this spot is that 2 oceans actually met here, the Southern Ocean and the Indian Ocean. While the Southern Ocean looked very calm, the Indian Ocean was quite the opposite, very choppy and very rough.

However, the good news is the sun came out to play today and therefore we were able to enjoy the beaches and all today which I will share with all of you in a while.

After leaving Augusta, we headed to Pemberton where some of the tour mates went ahead to conquer the Bicentennial Tree which was quite slippery so I gave up after a few steps. Didn't want to slip and cause any injury tio myself. After everyone descended, we headed to the Tree Top Walk at the Valley of the Giants where tall eucalytus and gum tree grow. Very shaky bridge by the way due to the strong winds. We then had lunch by a river that runs through Bow Bridge.

Our next stop was Willam Bay National Park where we get to see the Elephant Rocks and Green Pool which is probably cause by algae. We spent some time forlicking in the water before heading back to the bus to continue our journey south.

We drove into this town called Denmark, bring your passport boys and gals - just joking.

We then arrived at what I must say was really the highlight of the tour thus far prior to Esperance. We went to this spot by the ocean where we get to see The Gap and the Natural Bridge. The waves were majestic there but at the same time you also see how unforgiving they are. In time to come, I am sure the waves will erode the rocks and the land push more inward by them.

What was really beautiful was also the sunset, we were able to stay there and have moments to reflect while we observed the sunset and it set really fast. Simply beautiful.

That marked the end of our 2nd day and we drove into Albany and checked into our hostel. Was planning to ran to the store to grab some chips but we had a late dinner and by then the shops were closed. Oh well never mind, I can survive without.

Update you all on my 3rd day on the tour in the next post!

Day 1 : Margaret River, Albany and Esperance

Woke up early at 5+ to make sure I get to my tour pickup place in time.

Tour started late due to some latecomers. Right after everyone arrived, we started on the tour. We drove south and passed by Bunbury and Mandurah before arriving at ou 1st sightseeing spot - Busselton Jetty, apparently the longest jetty in the Southern Hemisphere. Majority of the jetty is under repair due to damage from a freak typhoon so we can't walk the whole jetty.

Weather for the 1st day weren't that good, rained a lot and that kinda spoil the fun abit as we had to run for shelter and we can't spend more time at each spot.

Anyhow, the show must go on, we continue our journey down south and passed by Dunsborough without stopping. I have fond memories of this place, many many years ago I went there as a student and had my first homestay with an elderly couple. Still remember we even went whale watching during my stay there. Amazing how the brain can remember such details when I can't even remember what I have for lunch 2 days back, figuratively speaking of course.

Anyway to continue, we went to Yallingup and visit Ngilgi Cave and after exploring the cave we had lunch while the heavens opened up.

After lunch, we were driven to Geographe Bay, part of Ngilgi Reef. Next, we visited a chocolate factory, nothing fantastic if you ask me.

Soon, we arrived at the much anticipated Margaret River which was an anti-climax because the town looks really small and nothing much to explore. We did however dropped by 1 of the beaches there which is well known for surfing and stopped at a lookout point to look at the whole Margaret River from the top.

Having done all that, we continue on to Augusta where we will be staying for the night. Augusta was all quiet and after settling in, we had an Aussie barbie which is barbeque for those who are not familiar with the Aussie slang. And that marked the end of our 1st night.

Will share with all of you the happenings of the next day in the next post.


Instead of writing everything down upon my return from my 2 weeks vacation, I actually drafted everything on a daily basis like a journal on my blackberry and so they are ready to be uploaded. Unfortunately my photos are not downloaded yet so I will post them as and when I sort them out.

Sometimes the blackberry really comes in useful hehe.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

On Vacay...

Finally! Long anticipated break although still checking emails and responding to emails since I came.

Am in Perth, the city where I spent 2 years during my undergraduate days and though they haven't change much it is good to be back. Somehow it doesn't feel much as if I am on holiday but rather like I am coming home.

Today is Day 2 and had been spending them in malls quite a fair bit. Fremantle or Freo as the locals called it, was partially explored and will definitely be back there prior to my return home.

Tomorrow marks the start of my tours down South and then up North, both of which I never did had the chance to explore while schooling here, due to my shoestring student budget. Look foward to sharing my photos with all of you upon my return.